Tuesday 28 February 2012

Facts for Ankle Pain - Health - Fitness

Facts for Ankle PainAnkle pain is a common health disorder that is experienced by almost everyone at any stage of life. But the truth is that there are no specific allocated reasons and treatment methods for pain in ankle and its recovery. So, following is a detailed discussion of the facts that cause ankle ache and how it can be recovered.


There are some common reasons that cause ankle pain. The medical analysis suggests that ankles are made up of numerous small bones and ligaments that unite the bones. But, when the ligaments get torn, victims start feeling acute pain in the ankle which is known as sprained ankles. But, pain in ankle can take place too if there is any problem with the nervous system. It is known as referred pain.

There are some external reasons too. For example, if you are a sportsman and do not warm yourself up before playing the final match, you may get an ankle sprain. On the other hand, running on uneven and coarse grounds also causes pain in ankle. In fact, if you use the staircases instead of elevators for either going upstairs or coming downstairs, you may get ankle pain. In addition, using high heeled shoes can cause pain in ankle too.

How to recover

Following a rehab system can give you the necessary recovery. Though there are many rehab systems for ankle sprains, but you need to choose which one is the best. But, you have the option of taking medical treatments as well.

When you go to your physician immediately after the injury, the doctor may suggest you to take some diagnostic tests to determine whether your level of injury is high or low. Once s/he comes to realize your level of severity, you are then prescribed medicines. Or even if the level of your injury is too severe, you may have to undergo surgical operations though it is highly un-recommended. Keep in mind that talking too many pain killer pills can cause you serious damage to the nervous system. Therefore doctors rarely prescribe pain killers.

But, you can take on home based treatments for your Ankle Pain too. RICT is well known for the home based treatments of ankle pains. RICE stands for Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation. If you can manage taking all of these four steps while treating your ankle sting at home, your pain is supposed to get eliminated in a very short time.


There are some common symptoms of ankle pain. Swelling, acute pain, rise of temperature, red spots, fire etc are some of the most common symptoms.

However, whatever the reason is, when you get your ankle sprained, you should go to the physician immediately to get Ankle Pain eliminated.


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