Thursday 23 February 2012

Alternative Treatment For Sprained Ankle And Ankle Pain - Health - Fitness

Strains and sprains are usually caused by a wrench, and cause pain, increased by movement or by putting weight on the foot. There will be swelling and perhaps bruising. There may also be damage to the ligaments. Consult a medical practitioner to check that you have not sustained a small fracture if the pain persists for more than a week.


Ensure that the foot is rested for a period each day. Recovery will be enhanced by gently exercising the ankle with a wobbleboard, moving the foot in a circular fashion, and stretching the calves.

Diet and Nutrition Ferr. phos., a biochemic tissue salt, is recommended for sprains. Hydrotherapy Contrast bathing with hot and coin compresses is recommended.

Consult a qualified practitioner/therapist for:

Acupuncture and Acupressure Stimulation of the relevant points will be undertaken. Herbal Medicine Your herbalist may suggest a poultice of turmeric, comfrey, and/or ginger. Homeopathy Specific remedies include Arnica 30c, taken as soon as possible after the injury, and then every hour. Take Rhus tox. 6c, and Ruta grav. 6c four times daily.

Osterpathy Treatment will be aimed at specific mobilization of the ankle and foot, and integration of the leg with the trunk and pelvis.

Dropped Aches/Foot Pain

General foot pain, which is not the result of injury, is usually felt in the middle of the foot and can be caused by excess strain on the foot itself, either from overweight, or from standing or walking for long periods of lime. Calluses, bunions, and corns may contribute to discomfort. Foot pain can lead to postural problems, and cause the muscles of the calves to ache.

Fallen arches occur when the raised arch of the sole descends, so that the entire foot is flat against the gronnd (flat feet). This condition may be congenital some people are born with flat feet, and in others, the arch does not develop properly, or the result of weight gain, ill-fitting shoes, or weakened muscles in the foot.


Exercise is recommended, including picking up items with the toes, and rocking on the foot, from heel to toe.

Hydrotherapy Hot footbaths with essential oils of eucalyptus and rosemary should be alternated with cold footbaths with a few drops of essential oil of peppermint added to them.

Consult a qualified practitioner/therapist for:

Massage Deep massage on the foot, calves, and upper legs will relieve symptoms and stimulate the muscles. Osteopathy Cranial osteopathy can be used to correct undeveloped arches in babies and children. Chiropractic Adults should see a chiropractor for specific joint mobilization.


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