Tuesday 19 June 2012

The Top Three Reasons To Visit an Urgent Care Clinic! - Health - Wellness

An urgent care clinic is the next best thing to a house call. Thats right youngsters, approximately thirty five years ago (which may sound like a long time to some peoplebut not to us), you would call a doctor up on the telephone (they usually knew the family very, very well,) and they would get inside their car to drive to your house. DRIVE TO YOUR HOUSE! While there, with their trusty well-worn black medical bag, they would diagnose and offer treatment. Yep, they would bring medicine with them, as well as the ol prescription pad.

Things have changed. Thats for sure. But the best care available today is from an urgent care clinic. These clinics are popping up all over the place these days. Now, the doctors are not going to get inside their cars and drive to see you. No, were afraid that time is long past. But they will offer an open door policy where anyone can come in at any time and get the best care available.

There are many reasons why an urgent care clinic is the best place to seek medical help and here are the top three:

Cuts & AbrasionsThere are many types of flesh wound. Each type, whether a cut, an abrasion or a laceration requires specific treatment. An abrasion is typically a superficial flesh wound that is caused by friction, such as a skinned knee. An abrasion will not cause permanent damage but it is still important that professional treatment is had. Infection is the largest threat when it comes to an abrasion. An urgent care clinic will treat each flesh wound with the care it deserves.

A laceration is much more serious and is typically a jagged skin cut that has a much bigger chance of garnering an infection due to the fact that the wound is deep enough to expose bacteria directly into the bloodstream. An urgent care clinic understands the seriousness of all lacerations and will treat them accordingly.

Sprained AnkleWith over nine million sprained ankles a year in America, it is obvious that it is an important problem. A sprain occurs when the ligament of your ankle is stretched beyond its normal range or when it gets torn by over stretching. Either way, an urgent care clinic can provide the best treatment available for sprains. Treatment may include bracing, bandaging, icing, pain killers and/or crutches. When suffering from a sprain remember to go to the medical facility with the most experienceyour neighborhood urgent care clinic.

The BurnWhen receiving a burn of any severity, you know in your heart of hearts that it is time to get professional help. An urgent care clinic will do their very best to relieve your pain and get you back up and out there. They will also take care of scar treatment which, lets face it, is very important to many people.

It is important to get to an urgent care clinic as soon as possible when you have received a burn. Treatment must occur quickly in order to heal as properly as possible. Whether your burn needs to be covered, cooled, or medicated, your urgent care clinic will do what is necessary. And fast. In other words: urgently.

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