Saturday 16 June 2012

A Compelling Case For Visiting Walk In Clinics The Healthy Alternative To Visiting Emergency Rooms - Health - Medicine

Why are walk in clinics all the rage these days? Well, it's simplethey are damn good at what they do. Let's face it, there are times in our lives when we need quick, competent and caring medical treatment. These days arise out of the blue, everything is fine one moment and the nextwham--get me to a doctor! It's the way life works. These days many people have come to recognize the care and professionalism shown them inside walk in clinics, and their behavior is changing the way Americans "go to the doctor."

In the old days it was easy. You'd phone your doctor and then he or she would jump in their car and COME TO YOUR HOUSE! That's right, folks, believe it or not there was a time--not that long ago--when doctors came to you. It was called a House Call. And it was par for the course; as ordinary as butterflies on a summer day. Although walk in clinics do not send their doctors out to your home, many people believe that walk in clinics are a tip of the hat to the old days, a time when you received personalized care--not rushed--bestowed upon you for a pretty decent price.

After the House Call went the way of the Dodo bird Americans began going to the hospital emergency room when they needed a doctor in a hurry. It seemed like a good idea at the time, but there were no other alternatives. There was no such thing as a walk in clinic to pick up the slack from the now-too crowded emergency rooms. These days, visiting an emergency room can be a literal entire-day affair. Sitting and waitingand waiting to be called, only to be seen for a few moments of doctor/patient face-time in order for the overworked doctor to get to the next patient. In the world of emergency room visits, the term "patient" took on a new meaning. You had to be patient to see a doctor!

Walk in clinics are a new addition to this old game--and as previously mentioned--people are realizing they do not have to be treated like cattle when visiting a doctor. Walk in clinics pride themselves on their one-on-one care, their state of the art instrumentation and knowledge, and their affordable pricing structure.

Walk in doctor have become like the doctors of old because patients trust them and wind up seeing them on a continuous basis. When it comes to medical care, once you receive decent treatment you tend to stay with that doctor for a long time. And why not? Walk in clinics become these safe havens where doctor and patient form a bond.

Obviously hospital emergency rooms still have a place in society. There is no better place to be treated when you fall victim to a life-threatening illness or accident, of that there is no doubt. It's just that the hospital structure is not best-suited for non life-threatening illnesses like the flu, migraines, back ache, sprained ankles and small cuts and bruises.

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