Wednesday 11 April 2012

The treatment of ankle pain - Health - Diseases and Conditions

Ankle painBy Peter Rose FSI

Ankles are very vulnerable parts of the human anatomy. Twisting, fractures, sprains, tears to ligaments, etc these all cause pain in the ankle. They also cause loss of movement and reduce the activity choices of the victim. Pain in the ankles affects, walking, running, dancing and most sports; even driving requires the use of ankles.

CONTENTS INCLUDE:- Sprains, twists, tears to ligaments, fractures, general pain and weakness

Sprains and "twisted ankle"


1) Pain often "sharp" pain2) Weakness3) Swelling4) Redness 5) Reduced mobility


It is usual to know the event that causes the sprain as the pain is almost immediate. Sprains are defined as "injury to a ligament caused by sudden overstretching"


Immediately apply cold compress- preferably ice packs or a packet of frozen peas.Obtain a scan to ensure that the damage is due to overstretching and not a tear or ruptureImmobilize the joint to rest it but take care not to make bindings too tight too soon as swelling may occur later and if the bandage is too tight this may cause problems. An elasticised bandage (preferably one containing magnets) applied once the swelling has settled is bestRest and pain killers Magnetic Ankle support Flexible ankle support

Torn ligaments


1) Pain usually intense "burning sensation" type pain2) Swelling3) Loss of movement


Again it is usual for this type of injury to be from a known cause- a trauma injury where the pain is immediate and sudden. The most common ligaments to get torn, in the ankle, are the talofibular ligament and the calcancofibular ligament. These joint the fibular (splint bone) to the foot and the heel. There is also the deltoid Ligament in the ankle and this may also suffer damage.


Immediately apply cold compressObtain a scan to determine the extent of the damageRest and immobilize, this may require a plaster cast.(which may have to be kept in place for 3 weeks)Increase the consumption of Vitamin C to aid "repair work"Magnetic Ankle support Flexible ankle support

General ankle pain and weakness


1) Gradual increasing dull pain2) Swelling3) Restricted movement4) Tendency for the ankle to "give way"


This type of problem differs from a sprain or tear; in that it usually results from general over use, rather than from sudden over stretching. This can be a version of repetitive Strain Injury or can result from a person who does not walk or run much, suddenly running a marathon.


Rest and pain killers Magnetic Ankle support Flexible ankle support



1) Sudden intense pain2) Loss of movement and control of movement3) Swelling4) "heat" from the area


This is a serious injury that requires immediate care The bones that allow movement become broken and this disrupts all the nerves and blood supply to the joint.


Immediate immobilisationEnsure no load applied to the joint at allScan and X rays to determine the extent of the damageSurgery to ensure the structure is correctly positioned before "repair"Cold compressPainkillers and restPlaster cast and crutches to ensure bones are allowed to repair to speed up this repair:-Gold 9000 magnets applied in a circle above the ankleAfter the removal of a plaster cast use :-Magnetic Ankle support Flexible ankle support


Ankles are vulnerable and need looking after. All of your weight gets loaded onto a very small structure and is liable to damage. If you have had ankle problems in the past use magnetic support bandages to help prevent reoccurrence. The heavier you are the more "at risk" your ankles. For all the support wraps and magnetic equipment; Go to This site also has more free articles showing specific uses of magnets when dealing with pain. You can also enroll in an on line course in magnetic therapy at this web site.


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