Sunday 1 April 2012

Ankle surgery question? - Health - Wellness

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10 pnts..I am getting severe cramping-sharp pains within my lower portion of my stomach..I had 2 Csections, and this has be going on since last year, about a month after my second child. When I am ovulating I take sharp pains on my left side, and when I have to walk to the bathroom (BM...sorry...10 points for best answer? i quit smoking on sept 6 i still crave a cigarette everyonce in a while and my head is hurting any suggestion on what to do or words of encouragment? Part of it is psychological u just own to 4get about it & own a good will don't be thinned....10 points for best medical answer?About 4 weeks ago i had to go to the emergancy room for extraordinarily intense stomach pain after i tryed to push my truck out of a ditch (yeah i a guy..i do stupid things like that) The dr. be a complete dick to me for reasons unknown to...10 points relief!?I need a break i havent missed a hours of daylight of school once and im soo stressed!!How should i procure out of s chool tomorow??The just problem i have is i own juvinial arthritist?Im in 6th status...please help 10 points best answer!! You're in 6th level? Me too. Convince your parents. They'll understand,...10 POINTS TO best ANSWER! Ribs Hurt!?yesterday i fell in my yard sour my trampoliene (its only for one soul and about 1ft bad the and excersise one) and my wrist be hurting but now its fine. i woke up the morning and own a really bad torment on the sides of my ribs...10 POINTS TO BEST AnSWER!?k I have a throat infection im on antibiotics and already go to the doctor. ive had this throat infection for similar to a week and a half and it HURTS! i call the doctor today ans said that it really hurts to swallow and it is really sore and...10 POINTS TO BEST AnSWER!?ok i dont know what it is and I am not a doctor but you can hopefully help. ok contained by december i really felt tired adjectives the time and I had strain in my bones. I would sleep most of the time, however to stay healthy I would guzzle like...10 poINTS TO BEST ANSWER!?ok yesterday i was watching tv next to my leg under my body..(u put ur leg underur butt) and anyway my leg get numb and whatever. But when i get up i stood up on the couch and then jump with my foot facing outward. i did this a few times...10 POINTS TO bEST ANSWER?if you put vinegar on a paper towel and next rap the towel around your wrist, and leave it on a while,do it manufacture your bone easier to break? my friend said that he heard it somewhere but i don't believe him, is it true? no now that don't even nouns...10 POINTS TO BEST ANSWEr?ok i was on the phone near my cousin in Albany and when we were on the phone he fell down the stairs and his leg get caught in the banister piece and he kept going down the stairs(only like 3 steps) could his leg possibly break? Even if the topple...10 POiNTS TO BEST ANSWER?ok im doing my homework for medical school and it say name a few ways to break/fracture a bone. would fal ling down the stairs and landing on a unpromising area of the leg be one? If you fell one and only down a few stairs would your leg break? STORIES WELCOME!...10 points to the first person to administer me a decent answer to this interrogate regarding toes?I have a impossible habit of crumbling my toenails off. I go too far with my pinky one, and nearby is practicaly no nail departed on it. wil it become ingrown? how can i prevent this if so? If...10 points!!?i am haveing a stomach ace with direa..ive have it for two days and im not sure what to do?please help me~ might own the stomach flu. but can go few days and see if you still hold it. drink plenty of fluids and eat something. and if you do budge to the doctor...10 points!!red/purple stripe down both the back of my kneeswhere they bend, came out of the blue sunday any impression what it is? the line is straight across veins or stretch results. ahhh. stretch marks. i enjoy em too =) it could be stretch marks, or spider vei ns. try some creams designed for this and...10 points!?I was a moment ago wondering once and a while i get a craving for vingar and brackish mixed to gether and i really enjoy the channel it tast i would like to know if drinking this will engineer my stomach upset or anything else that could hurt me Thanks!! Its more harsh on...10 points!what vitamins are essential to alleviate a wound/scab?what vitamin brands are best too vitamin E. vitamin d is extremely good for skin therapeutic Vitamin A helps strengthen mark tissue and thus promotes healing, and zinc works contained by conjunction with vitamin A to promote restorative. Without zinc, the cells important to form...10 points** I had knees surgery for a completely torn ligament, now I am surrounded by physical therapy and have pain?Can physical therapy re rupture or strain the ligament again? Because the pain is darn effective as bad as it be pre operation. I will award 10 points after 4 hours. the treatment is done...10 po ints, the other daytime i go to my doctor? and i ask him if he could take my heart out and put it back in upside down that style i could stand on my head longer but he said that was stupid and he would not do that do you think i should find...10 year,s ago xray showed i had nouns line fractures contained by tibia bones.can it get worse or will it restore to health?i had a ostioctony done one one leg but they severd a rudeness is it wise to hold other leg done im sure it has heal by now. If you drink things close...Ankle strain, what should i do to lend a hand it overnight?the right side of my ankle/ leg hurts when i point my toe or point my toes to the left. it goes from my ankle to around my knee but a little lower. i play lacrosse for the highschool so something probably happen. I...Ankle strain?!! HELP!? During summer vacation, I have been running every single morning for cross country. As the summer goes on I was increasing my mileage every week. Now I have niggle in the top of my foot, which appears to be an ankle strain... Its been about 2 weeks since my ankle have been...Ankle support... help?anytime i walk or run my ankle bone and my foot bone clink or smash together. any suggestion for some ankle supports? i would recommend you strengthen you ankle muscles instead of relying on an ankle brace to do the work for you. The reason person is that you cannot wear the brace...Ankle support?Okay, i sprained my ankle pretty bad final week and it brought 2 problems; First i have track starting subsequent week, i really don't care or even close to track but i need to achieve faster for the football season and my coach has pushed us adjectives into it, and we run our 40's...Ankle Surgery- Cartilage damage?Hi everyone, About three months ago, my ankle turned and jolted summarily, which resulted in aching. I carried on playing on it during the session, as I thought it was a knock. The subsequent day I right to be heard a doctor who sent me to physio . The physio said there be...Ankle surgery i am alter alarmed? ples give support to!!? Ankle surgery i am vary scared? this is my story so here is what happen my gf come over and i did not want her to know i broke my ankle and her be all girly so i did not ware my air cast and...Ankle surgery question?ok so i am 15 years old and own hypermobility i play soccer and so my ankles seem to enjoy a hard time holding up they are pretty much in constant aching and i dont really sprain them(like little sprains) often because they are so loose but every once contained by a while...


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