Saturday 10 March 2012


NON-SURGICAL TREATMENTS FOR PAINPain is little word for a big problem! Luckily though, there are successful pain treatments available. If you want to learn more, please read carefully. Pain can be caused by a specific incident or can simply appear from out of nowhere. It can come and go or it can stay for what seems like forever. It can range from mild to excruciating. The real problem with pain and pain management is deciding how to treat it. There are probably as many ways to treat pain as there are ways to create pain. But of those, there are only a handful of reliable, safe, and effective treatments. The first step a physician must take in determining which treatment is best for you, is finding out how long you have had the pain, and also finding out (if possible) what caused it.Most pain can be classified into one of two categories. Pain is either Acute or Chronic.

Acute Injuries: such as a sprained ankle, strained back, or fractured hand, occur suddenly, during activity. Acute injuries last up to 6 weeks. Signs of an acute injury include the following:* Sudden, severe pain * Swelling * Inability to place weight on a lower limb * Extreme tenderness in an upper limb * Inability to move a joint through its full range of motion * Extreme limb weakness * Visible dislocation or break of a bone

Chronic Injuries: usually result from overusing one area of the body while playing a sport or exercising, and last for a long period (6 weeks or longer). The following are signs of a chronic injury:* Pain when performing an activity * A dull ache when at rest * Swelling Once the source, type and duration of the pain have been determined, the physician can then better choose a treatment plan. There are three main pain therapies available. All effective and all safe when administered by a trained practitioner. These treatments are Acupuncture, Trigger Points and Prolotherapy. What are they? And when would a physician decide to use them?Acupuncture- It is an ancient Chinese technique used to treat various forms of pain. It involves placing tiny needles in strategic locations on the body. There is no medicine placed in or on the needles. It is not exactly clear how acupuncture works, but it does work on many people and we know that it has an effect through the autonomic and ce ntral nervous system, as well as the circulatory system. Some pains that respond well to acupuncture include:o facial paino headacheso neuritiso sciaticao arthritiso joint paino back paino shingleso fibromyalgiao plantar fasciitiso costochondritiso and other inflammatory pains.Trigger Points- If your pain is acute, then it is likely still in an inflammatory stage. Some examples of this include:o Fallso sports injurieso pulled, strained or knotted muscleso joint irritation.

Ice or a heating pad along with Tylenol or Ibuprofen are the usual remedies, yet only provide temporary relief. A physician can inject medicine into the area to relieve the irritation and inflammation, which allows for a more rapid healing. These injections are termed Trigger Point injections and are specifically for acute pains.Prolotherapy- This treatment is for chronic ligament and tendon pain. This pain usually occurs at the joint but is often referred to other areas. Ligaments that are strained, stretched and even partially torn respond well to Prolotherapy. Areas best suited for this treatment are the larger joints such as:o Necko Backo Shoulder o Knee

Prolotherapy is a series of injections that creates a sterile inflammation in the ligaments and tendons; and through this inflammation, it causes new ligaments to grow. This process strengthens the joint, then decreases and even eliminates the pain.

For more information on any of these pain treatments or questions about knee, back, hip, shoulder or neck pain contact us at


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