Friday 23 March 2012

Ankle Sprain, Tennis Elbow and Other Common Sporting Injuries - Health

Ankle sprain is one of the most common injuries that befall sportspeople; and they are almost as common among the non-sporting population. The reason is that not only are ankles weak in comparison to many of our other joints, but they also carry almost the entire weight of the body. So it does not take much of a misplacement of the foot or a twist of the joint to sprain an ankle: the weight it is bearing does the rest.There are many ways to avoid too-frequent ankle sprain without making life too impossible; some of the main causes include rolling or turning the foot beyond its natural and normal range, running, jumping, or landing on a rough or uneven surface, such as a broken sidewalk, or a rocky street or pathway. The ligaments are forced to overstretch to avoid the joint pulling apart completely, and they are unable to shrink immediately back to normal size. Regular wearing of high heels, too, can shorten the connective tissues in the heels, making them more prone to sn ap when walking in bare feet or low heels. Even occasional high heel-wearing can be so unstable as to cause the foot to turn and the tissue to tear. So take care both when in your trainers and your evening pumps! Fortunately, given time, most ankle injuries heal completely but if inadequate rest time is allowed for the joint to heal before resuming normal activity (especially in sportsmen and women), the ligaments can remain permanently stretched, and this means that the ankle will continue to be weaker than its owner would like, and further injury is far more likely.Tennis elbow, on the other hand, is an injury thought to be caused by overexertion, mainly repetitive motion of the arm and, particularly, the outer part of the elbow joint, in hitting hundreds of thousands of tennis balls. Tennis elbow is, of course, found in those who participate in repetitive sports other than tennis, and even in those who do not play sport at all, but it has its name in common parlance, and tennis elbow it is!Both injuries, despite the differences between them and their causes, respond very well indeed to a gentle program of exercise and recovery, where the body is allowed to mend and repair itself naturally. At AceRehab (where their aim is for you to "Get Back in the Race") the professional staff have the experience to design the program, see the patient through each stage of the game, and amend and adapt the process as necessary for each individual. Physical therapy, together with a balance of massage, rest, and if necessary, alternative treatments such as acupuncture to deal with any lingering pain, will see sufferers of most physical injuries well on the road to success.


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