Saturday, 31 March 2012

Treatment Options for Ankle Sprains from Alameda Orthopedic Surgeon - Health - Wellness

The ligament most commonly torn by ankle sprains is called the anterior talo-fibular ligament, or ATFL for short, and usually results in difficulty in walking due to pain and swelling. Thus, patients may often need crutches to get around. The pain and swelling can last for as long as three days. If the injury is serious enough, your Alameda area orthopedic surgeon may recommend that you wear a temporary air splint or cast-boot.

The majority of ankle sprains will heal over time if they are protected. The complete process of healing could take up to six weeks. Your doctor might recommend that you start exercising light movements early in the healing process to keep the ankle from getting stiff. These movements can help you with identifying proper position, location, and orientation of the joint, also known as proprioception. It is not impossible for a total tear of the ligament to repair itself without the need for surgery as long as it is properly immobilized. Even a chronic tear within the ankle joint can eventually return to normal functionality if the overlying tendons are capable of providing support.

If you are suffering from a minor grade sprain, remember to use the R.I.C.E method:

Rest the ankle. Do not walk on it.

Ice the joint immediately after the injury occurs. This will help to minimize the swelling and should be applies in 20 minute intervals, three to four times each day. Applying ice in conjunction with a lightly pressurized wrap will additionally quell swelling.Compress the joint lightly using bandages or wraps that support and immobilize the injury.

Elevate the ankle joint for 48 hours at a level above your heart.The RICE method should be used for medium grade sprains also. You will just need to allow for more healing time. Your physician might employ a device for immobilizing the ankle such as a splint.The most serious sprains can lead to permanent instability and in rare cases surgery may be required. A small cast or brace for the leg may be needed for up to three weeks.

Proper rehabilitation is necessary alleviate pain and swelling as well as to avoid chronic ankle problems. Electrical stimulation and ultrasound can be administered to help with these issues, too. Initially, your rehabilitation exercises might include limited movements over the range of the joint with no resistance applied. Light exercises in the pool can also be beneficial in cases where exercises like as toe-raising are too uncomfortable. As a patients tolerance increases, exercises of the lower extremities can be incorporated. It is important to integrate proprioception training since poor propriception can often lead to another sprain and chronic instability in the ankle joint. As soon as the pain is gone, exercises like agility drills can be performed. The objective is to improve the strength and the range of motion over time as you gain stability.

There are three main phases of recovery that all ankle sprains pass through:

Phase 1 Rest. Protect your ankle. Reduce the swelling over the course of one week.

Phase 2 Restore your range of motion, strength and flexibility over the course of the next two weeks.

Phase 3 Gradually return to those activities that dont necessitate turning or twisting of the ankle. Do your maintenance exercises. Eventually you will be able to participate in activities that demand sharp, abrupt turns and cuts like tennis, basketball or football.


Pain and inflammation can be controlled by nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) depending on your doctors evaluation.

Long-term outcome

Failure to recognize and properly treat an ankle sprain may result in issues of chronic pain and instability.


In rare cases, surgical treatment for ankle sprains may be required. Only those injuries that fail to respond to nonsurgical treatment first should be considered for surgery. Orthopedic surgery may also be reserved for patients experiencing persistent instability after months of rehabilitation and non-surgical treatment.

Surgical options include arthroscopy and reconstruction. In arthroscopy, the orthopedic surgeon will look into the interior of the joint to determine whether or not there are any loose bone fragments, dislodged cartilage, or part of the ligament caught in the joint. Reconstruction will require the surgeon to repair the torn ligament with stitches or a suture. Other ligaments and/or tendons found in the foot and around the ankle can be used to repair the damaged ligaments. Be sure to contact my office for more specific information regarding the limitations of physical activity after recovering fully from an ankle sprain.

Committed to getting you back in the game,Dr. K


Friday, 30 March 2012

All you needed to know about Ankle Sprain - Health

Ankle sprain occur ever so often in our daily lives at times that we least expect them to. They occur when ankle, foot or legs ligaments tear or stretch. The most common type of sprain is the inversion ankle sprain. This occurs when the ankle pushes outwards and with the leg in the opposite direction. Ligaments on the outer part of the ankle hence tear. Eversion on the other hand occurs in the opposite direction; when the ankle pushes inwards hence damaging the inner ligaments by stretching them from their usual self. At other times, the ankle may be sprained at its upper end. It occurs when the upper ligaments are injured. Mostly, it occurs when the leg has been twisted or forced up at a very high speed. This kind of a sprain is more serious and will usually take a longer time to heal.

Ankle sprain will usually be indicated by an inflammation. Inflammation or swelling occurs if the inner blood vessels start leaking hence releases their fluid on the surrounding tissue. As a result, there level of the white blood cells increase in the area thereby increasing the rate of blood flow. Other than swelling, the injured person experiences a lot of pain at the joint. This pain is caused by the nerves will have become more sensitive. At times, the color of the skin may change and generate a lot of heat due to the increase of blood flow in the tissue.

Usually, first aid care has to be administered. Some of the ankle sprains will only require first aid treatment to get better like in the case of inversion and eversion sprains. If serious, one should seek specialized medical attention as soon as possible. To know if the sprain is serious or not, a few things have to be looked in to: If after using all alternatives methods of pain relievers like ice the pain still continues, see a doctor. The same will apply if one can't be able to walk properly due to pain or, when the ankle's condition doesn't improve days later. Other signs that will tell that the sprain is serious is if the ankle swells excessively, you stop having sense of the lower foot or if the area becomes very red and hot.

Serious ankle sprain is treated by applying a brace on the area or administering the use of crutches. One may also be asked to use medications that will reduce pain and inflammation. Narcotics and acetaminophens are also used as alternatives for treatment. To prevent the condition from ever befalling you, frequently exercise your lower leg to remain flexible and strong. Also, put on proper and comfortable shoes to give support. When indulging in sports, its best that you have the ankles taped to give them more support. Ankle braces can also be worn in place of tapes.

Finally, ensure that you walk and play in safe environments that are free of obstacles like stones or holes. If all of these guidelines, one will be able to live a danger free and healthy life.


Thursday, 29 March 2012

Summertime Brings Outdoor Activities and Increased Risk of Foot and Ankle Injuries - Health - Alternative Medicine

With winter gone and beautiful sunny days ahead, most people who live in North Carolina find that getting outdoors and enjoying the weather is much anticipated. Activities may include walking, jogging, hiking, boating, softball or golfing. Unfortunately, this time of year also brings foot and ankle injuries. With the additional pressure placed on the lower extremities, many people suffer injuries from overuse. These problems can spoil weeks of summer fun. To prevent this, orthopedic foot & ankle specialists in NC should be seen as soon as symptoms arise. This can prevent the condition from worsening and with proper treatment, recovery can be faster for not missing any of those fun, outdoor activities. Certain types of injuries do tend to occur more often during the warm and sunny days when everyone is outdoors enjoying their favorite sport or activity. Common sports injuries include tendonitis, sprains, neuromas, stress fractures and plantar fasciitis.

TendonitisTendonitis often affects individuals who participate in outdoor activities during the weekends or those who are just beginning a new activity. This condition causes pain and swelling of the foot, ankle and sometimes the Achilles tendon. Because tendonitis can be difficult to treat, the sooner orthopedic foot & ankle specialists in NC treats it, the better the chance for faster recovery.

Ankle SprainsAnkle sprains are a common injury among athletes who must move side-to-side or who play on uneven surfaces or in confined areas. These types of injuries occur when ligaments located around the ankle become over-stretched or tear. Treatment often includes resting the ankle, rehabilitation and exercises to strengthen the injured area. For severe tears, surgery may be required.

NeuromasNeuromas are nerves that have become pinched, often due to poor-fitting shoes. This condition can cause severe numbness of the toes and pain. Pain usually starts out gradual with cramping or burning and tingling. These symptoms may present themselves after walking or standing for extended periods. When walking, it may feel as if you are stepping on a cord. Treatment may include medication, shoe adjustments, ultrasound and orthotics.

Stress FracturesStress fractures occur from overusing the feet and ankles, poor-fitting shoes and excessive pressure from hard surfaces. Stress fracture symptoms include pain and swelling. These types of injuries should be treated immediately by an orthopedic specialist to prevent complications.

Plantar FasciitisPlantar fasciitis is a common injury among runners and joggers. This sports injury occurs when the plantar fascia, the band of tissue that runs along the bottom of the foot, becomes inflamed. It is also called heel-spur syndrome.


Wednesday, 28 March 2012


VANCOUVER, July 8 /CNW/ - Canadian Laser and Pain Therapy (CLPT) Canada'sfirst low intensity laser therapy (LILT) pain and smoking cessation solutionclinic, today announced that their has now expanded toVancouver.

To introduce the Solution to the Vancouver market, CLPT ischallenging media outlets to provide two smokers to complete the program andbreak free of smoking. Treatment for these smokers will be offered free ofcharge.

The Brice Laser Clinic located near Vancouver's Oakridge Mall, is one ofthe first Canadian licensees to offer the , with many morelocations set to open across the country.

Using a painless laser light, the QUICK STOP SOLUTION stimulatesacupuncture points on the ear, hand and knee to eliminate nicotine cravings inchronic smokers and help reset their metabolism to minimize the unpleasantsymptoms of withdrawal. Low intensity laser (LILT) treatment is FDA approvedin the United States to treat a variety of chronic pain conditions includingosteoarthritis, lower back pain (caused by inflammation), rotator cuffinjuries, plantar fasciitis etc. The program is conducted under strict FDAguidelines and CLPT reports patient results on a monthly basis.

"Thousands of Canadians will struggle to quit smoking this summer. We canmake it significantly easier by offering a painless, effective and proventechnology to curb smoking cravings," said Dr. Paul Ziemer, President and CEOof Canadian Laser and Pain Therapy. "We've seen consistent success rates of85-95 percent and many patients require only 2 SOLUTION sessions tobreak free of their habit, regardless of how many years they have been lightor chronic smokers."

The (TM) is offered at a cost of $395.

About Canadian Laser and Pain Therapy (CLPT)

CLPT is Canada first low intensity laser therapy (LILT) pain andsmoking cessation solution clinic. With two corporate and two licenseelocations in Ontario and a recently opened clinic in Vancouver, CLPT israpidly expanding across the country. CLPT created and licenses both the QuickStop Solution(TM) for smoking cessation and the Accelerated HealingProgram(TM) for rapid healing of joint and muscle pain. If youre experiencing pain or health challenges, youve come to the right place. We act as your partner to develop a personalized pain management plan to accelerate the healing of your pain. Using our comprehensive approach, and the latest most effective technology, our goal is to ensure that you enjoy a life without limits free from muscle pain. We have many pain management clinics located across Ontario that can serve your needs.We developed a unique step-by-step process called The Accelerated Healing Program to help you achieve your health goals as quickly as possibly. We take the time to fully investigate the source of your pain, and appreciate how it has affected the quality of your life. We care enough to prescribe a customized pain therapy solution that accounts for your lifestyle, health goals, and availability for treatment.These are only some of the injuries and pain conditions that we have experience treating. To find out more click on each condition. Tendonitis, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) , Osteoarthritis, Plantar Fasciitis, Shoulder Pain & Rotator Cuff Injury, Sprains & Strains, Sciatica, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Wound Healing, Tennis & Golfers Elbow, Neck Pain & Upper Back Pain, Knee & Ankle Pain, Diabetic Ulcers, Heel & Achilles Pain, Radiculopathy, Headaches & Migraine Headaches, Quit Smoking.Get the best pain management solution and begin living without pain and debility.


Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Prevent Sprains and Strains-Health and Fitness - Health - Wellness

Sprains and strains are two types of soft tissue injuries. Bias common injuries that usually leads to the rupture of ligaments and joint capsule. Strain of muscle damage or tendon. First aid includes rest, ice, compression bandage and elevation (Figure). A physical therapist can provide additional treatment, including physical exercise and physical therapy.soft tissue injury may be sudden (acute) or deteriorate gradually (chronic). They can take anywhere from two to 12 weeks to heal, depending on the treatment of wounds, the initial and ongoing, and the age and general health.The reasonSoft tissue of the bundle. Muscles and tendons contain specialized cells that control the degree of compression and elasticity. With general use, muscles and tendons to withstand the excessive soft for the use of acronyms. However, the sudden turns or vibration may be applied more force than the tissue can structurally withstand. Fibers overstretch beyond their capacity and tear. Hemorrhage from rupture of blood vessels leads to swelling.Injuries to soft tissues such as ligaments and tendons can occur suddenly or gradually worsen. Sudden injury associated with a specific incident and is often called an acute soft tissue injuries. This means that it happened in the past 24 to 72 hours. The wound that worsens over time (eg three months), often referred to as chronic soft tissue injuries. They are usually associated with excessive stress or changes in normal tissue.DistortionJoints are held together and supported by tough bands of connective tissue called ligaments. The entire joint is surrounded by a membrane filled with synovial fluid lubricant, which helps to nourish the joint and provide extra cushioning shocks. Bias common injuries that usually leads to small tears (micro-trauma), ligaments and joint capsule. common space for expansion are the ankle, thumb and wrist.StrainMuscles are attached to joints with connective tissue called tendons. Damage to these te ndons or muscles themselves is called strain. common sites for strains include the groin and hamstring calf.SymptomsSigns of tension or strain may include:

* Pain * Swelling * Stiffness * Reducing the effectiveness of the function.Severityacute soft tissue injuries are classified according to their severity and include:* I degree - some fibers are torn and the site is moderately painful and swollen, but the functions and powers largely intact.Grade II * - lots of fiber rupture and the site is painful and swollen, with some loss of functionality and durability.* III degree - the soft tissue is completely torn, with considerable loss of function and strength. Grade III injuries often need surgical intervention.First aidSuggestions for immediate treatment of acute distortions or strains:

* Stop the activity. * Rest the injured area. * Use icepacks every two hours, asked for 15 minutes and is separated from the skin with a damp sponge. * Compress or bandage the wounded site firmly, extending the packing from the bottom up. * Raise (raise) the injured area above the heart when the height of the practical. * Avoid exercise, heat, alcohol and massage, which can increase swelling.If symptoms worsen during the first 24 hours, consult your doctor for further medical research.Chronic woundsChronic injuries develop slowly over time and tends to evil, even when at rest. Using common triggers more pain. The most common cause of chronic soft tissue injuries is excessive. factors contributing to overuse injuries include poor technique, structural abnormalities and exercise too frequently without sufficient recovery breaks.Some people, such as athletes or sports enthusiasts who regularly suffer from chronic recurring injuries. This may be caused by loose ligaments, inf lexible scar tissue from previous injuries and muscle imbalance. These types of recurrent lesions is often in the workplace, where people perform repetitive tasks.TreatmentMost soft tissue injuries take several weeks to heal, depending on the severity of sprain or strain and the general state of health. It is important to get proper treatment as soon as possible after the accident, to help recover quickly. Consult your doctor or physiotherapist immediately if function is impaired or if the pain and swelling does not subside after a couple of days.Treatment options may include:

* Exercises physical therapy to promote healing, strength and flexibility * Technical manuals, such as mobilization and massage * Electrotherapy * Pain medications * Gradually introduce the activity to normal levels.Severe injuries where the tissue is completely destroyed, you may need an operation to attach the pieces together. Grade III lesions surgically require significant physical therapy to regain strength and function. Short period of immobilization may help the healing process of injuries such as Class II.

Things to remember

* The type of distortion of the total injuries, which usually involves breaking ligaments and capsule. * Deformation of muscle damage or tendon. * Immediate treatment includes rest, ice tiles, compression (bandage) and elevation (Figure). * Treatment and ongoing supervision to return to work or sport can be performed by a physiotherapist.


Monday, 26 March 2012

The Basics of Applying Ice Therapy to Strains and Sprains - Health

The use of ice as first-aid for muscle pulls and sprains is standard and ice therapy can be applied to the treatment of chronic injuries as well. Also called cryotherapy, promptly applying ice after a strain or sprain helps to ease swelling and pain thus speeding healing and preventing further damage to soft tissues

The first 24 to 48 hours after a musculoskeletal injury occurs is the acute stage. Use ice on soft tissue injuries during this period and then. Many people use a plastic bag of crushed ice or even frozen peas on injuries quite often as it is a common household remedy for minor bumps, muscular pain, and other minor injuries. When using ice to treat soft tissue injuries, however, it is important to use the correct method.

How to Use Ice Application on Strains and Sprains

A bag of ice water that is covered in towel is the best thing to use. Ice alone is not cold enough and commercial ice packs are not always consistent, either being too cold or not cold enough. Ice packs can be used in field first aid kits, however, and should be considered a good alternative for when ice is not available. A bag of frozen peas, as mentioned, can be better than nothing but using ice water is the best way to rapidly lower soft tissue temperature.

The cold packs used for sports injuries are not to be confused with the commercial ice packs that we use in coolers to keep our food cold. These are too cold to be used on injuries and they could harm the skin and nerves.

The goal of ice therapy is to lower the muscle or joint temperature and to maintain this reduced temperature during the initial recovery phase of an acute injury. For best results use a time period of approximately ten minutes. Longer time frames may damage the skin and induce pain in the muscles and making them go into spasm, which is not conducive to healing. So icing too long at once will further injure the tissues. 50 degrees Fahrenheit (ten degrees Celsius) is the target temperature.

The use of short repeated ice treatments permit the muscle temperature to stay low while the skin temperature returns to normal between applications. Direct ice application is not advised for maintaining sustained cooling of muscle tissues since there can be a reflexive heating of the tissues. Still, ice is the best option if a prompt return to play is desired as during competitive sports.

Ice application can sometimes affect reflex and coordination. Spraining your ankle and then icing it down may cause your ankle to be somewhat useless. In this case extra stability can be given by wrapping the joint in a compression bandage.

When possible after strain or sprain occurs stop training or moving at once and rest while applying ice for ten minute treatment periods. Let the skin temperature return to normal before repeating the ice treatment.

After the first 48 hours, discontinue using cryotherapy. After this initial period, prolonging the use of ice may suppress healing rather than hasten it. The use of heat on injuries should still be avoided, however, until at least 72 hours after the injury first occurs.

Please be aware that these tips are meant for informational purposes only and should not replace the advice of a qualified medical professional.

Ice therapy can be dangerous if misused, causing frostbite that could result in tissue death and serious nerve damage.


Sunday, 25 March 2012

Know all about Chronic Ankle Instability - Health

Introduction Chronic Ankle Instability is a condition that causes inactivity and pain in the ankle. This condition can be described as ankle instability because it is basically loss of movement. In ankle instability condition your leg joints are incapable of two functions movement and balance of position. The ankle instability is generally caused by recurrent sprains that persist because the healing process of your injury is incomplete. Your leg muscles and nerves are connected and interrelated they stretch and fray due to unattended injuries.

Ankle Instability leads to discontinuance of various physical activities like walking, running, standing and playing of any sport. This disability is very serious because without the ability to walk - your life may come to a standstill. You may not be able to do the daily chores let alone the inability to earn a living.

Thanks to Foot specialists this condition can be treated with successful results. Chronic ankle instability is usually of temporary nature but it could turn into a disability of permanent or consistent nature, if proper care is not taken. It means that the disability can become chronic, if the foot condition deteriorates and results in further complications. Ankle instability is common in sports athletes but its occurrence is also noticed in the general public.

How does my leg function? We all know that we use legs to walk, run, and jump or for any kind of mobility. Just like there are sensory cells in our brains to propel an action like hand movement, there are sensory functions inside our leg that detect movement and understand balance.

How do I understand balance? - Proprioception The Proprioception function is responsible for the balancing act and it actually determines the position of your leg joints in space.

How do I determine sense of movement? - Kinesthesia The Kinesthesia function takes care of your leg joint movements. These two functions are interrelated /interdependent and they are associated with the Mechanoreceptors. The appropriate functioning of Mechanoreceptors is required for developing a synergy of the muscles and nerves to determine movement and balance. We can infer from the above, that the functioning of joints is a cohesive system and the disruption of any part of the system causes pain, sprain, and swelling. Now, if we ignore this pain, sprain, numbness and swelling in the ankle the instability further develops and turns into chronic instability. Hence it is absolutely necessary to pursue one of the suitable Non-surgical procedures to prevent further worsening of your leg mobility and balance functions. Avoidance of both internal and external injuries may lead to Chronic Ankle Instability.

Diagnosis Chronic Ankle disability may be diagnosed by the following common symptoms: 1.Swelling of the ankle 2.Acute pain, 3.An increase in the size of arch 4.Weakness and instability of the foot and ankle 5.Warmth to the touch

It can be understood that the above symptoms can be apparent to anyone, but a proper diagnosis must be done at the Podiatry clinic. Depending on the severity of the condition the foot doctor recommends one or more treatment options. The treatment options can be of surgical nature in very rare cases and mostly fall under the Non-surgical category. Thus the recovery period may vary accordingly.

Surgical Procedures Surgical procedures are considered in extreme cases when the disability is chronic or persistent. Before making the decision to opt for surgery, the Podiatrists implement all possible non-surgical procedures. The patients who go through surgery have torn ligaments that cause loosening of the ankle joints and complete malfunction of the leg movement activity.

Ankle joint instability can be determined by Physical Examination as well as X-ray Tests;

Physical examination The Podiatrist can determine ankle instability by a thorough comparison of the injured ankle with the healthy ankle. The difference in tightness of the ligaments suggests the level of ankle instability.

X-ray tests When physical examination is not enough to diagnose whether the ankle is instable or not, Foot doctors may recommend the patient to go for an X-ray test.

Non-Surgical Procedures Immobilization This procedure simply means keeping your bones stagnant/immobile. Stability of bones is required in the healing process of internal and external swelling. Foot doctors use splints or casts to hold the bones together while the natural healing happens. Splints and Casts can be custom-made/ready-made; the foot specialist decides whether to use a splint or a cast.

Medications Medication is used to reduce the pain and burning sensation due to leg injury. It works internally and naturally helps healing by keeping you calm.

Physical therapy Physical therapy is used to reduce the symptoms like pain and swelling. Post therapy the foot specialist suggests exercises that are necessary to regain the tissue strength.

Bracing Brace is a podiatric device that supports your leg joints and allows painless movement. Bracing is done when a patient cannot opt surgical treatment option either because it's unaffordable or useless.

Conclusion We should conclude that although finest treatments are available for the ankle instability disorder -- Prevention is always better than Cure. I would suggest a few common sense precautions to prevent this disorder -- 1.Always wear comfortable shoes. 2.If you are an adventure sports lover like a rock climber, please learn the adventure sport thoroughly before playing it. Needless to say, take all the safety measures. 3.Do not sit, stand and sleep in uncomfortable positions. Take extra space so you can sleep or sit comfortably. 4.Please climb up and down the building or any staircase carefully. Do not move in a reckless way anywhere. 5.Remember -- Accidents can be a result of a precaution not taken! 6.Most safety measures are common sense! 7.Always consult the doctor for any discomfort or minute pain in the leg. 8.Untreated Minor injuries can turn into Major disorders!


Saturday, 24 March 2012

When should you go to a specialist foot centre for treatment? - Health

Foot and ankle injuries are extremely common, accounting for an estimated quarter of all visits to Accident and Emergency Departments in the UK each year. Equally, many people put up with gradual 'wear and tear' which can result in rising levels of foot discomfort, pain and loss of overall mobility. It can be difficult to know when a nagging injury or problem requires the attention of a consultant orthopaedic surgeon in a specialist foot centre.A classic example is 'the ankle sprain which does not heal'. The standard advice for an ankle sprain is the so-called PRICE approach (protect, rest, ice, compression and elevation). Most people will find the sprain heals within six to eight weeks. However, if you are still in pain after this period, or if there remains swelling and/or difficulty weight bearing, you should go to a specialist foot centre for treatment. If you have a feeling of your ankle 'giving way' while walking or standing, this is another reason for seeing a speci alist, as there may be some ankle instability which should be investigated. Standard x-rays do not pick up ligament damage or fractures of smaller bones, so it is very important that you pay attention to your symptoms and act if you are still experiencing problems six to eight weeks after your initial fracture.Damage to the Achilles tendon is an area where prompt attention from a specialist foot centre is vital. Achilles tendon rupture is an injury most likely to affect the so-called 'weekend warrier' - typically male, with an average age of 32.5 and of a professional background. Ruptures are most likely to occur during sports with sudden bursts of running, twisting and jumping. For some people, the sudden 'snap' is a very clear sign that something serious is wrong and specialist attention is needed at a foot centre. But this is not always the case. Foot surgeons report a number of cases where people with Achilles tendon rupture are misdiagnosed as having a 'partial tear' or ankle sprain. They say in fact, partial tears are incredibly rare; the most likely diagnosis is a rupture and it is essential that treatment takes place as soon as possible. A foot specialist will carry out a simple test known as the 'calf squeeze test' to confirm diagnosis, along with ultrasound and MRI imaging. There are two distinct treatments - the conservative approach, when the ankle is fully immobilised for eight weeks to allow healing to take place. Alternatively, surgery involves stitching the tendon to reconnect both ends and is recommended for younger, more active people. Another common reason for a consultation at a specialist foot centre is concern about flat feet. About one in five adults have flat feet, although for many, the condition will not cause any significant problems. The main rule of thumb for going to a foot centre is if you are experiencing any pain as a result of your foot structure. This may result in some swelling around the ankle. More rarely b ut very seriously, flat feet can lead over time to the spread of arthritis through the hind foot. It can also be the case that flat feet cause pain elsewhere in the body, sometimes the knees, the back and even neck pain. If this is the case, it can be very difficult to identify flat feet as the cause of the problem. At a specialist foot centre, a podiatrist will be able to carry out a gait analysis, which is an assessment not only of your feet but also your whole lower limb muscular-skeletal structure and the impact of the structure and your gait (walking style) upon your joints. Often simple changes such as wearing orthotics (supports within shoes) can provide an effective remedy to the effects of a flat foot structure.


Friday, 23 March 2012

Ankle Sprain, Tennis Elbow and Other Common Sporting Injuries - Health

Ankle sprain is one of the most common injuries that befall sportspeople; and they are almost as common among the non-sporting population. The reason is that not only are ankles weak in comparison to many of our other joints, but they also carry almost the entire weight of the body. So it does not take much of a misplacement of the foot or a twist of the joint to sprain an ankle: the weight it is bearing does the rest.There are many ways to avoid too-frequent ankle sprain without making life too impossible; some of the main causes include rolling or turning the foot beyond its natural and normal range, running, jumping, or landing on a rough or uneven surface, such as a broken sidewalk, or a rocky street or pathway. The ligaments are forced to overstretch to avoid the joint pulling apart completely, and they are unable to shrink immediately back to normal size. Regular wearing of high heels, too, can shorten the connective tissues in the heels, making them more prone to sn ap when walking in bare feet or low heels. Even occasional high heel-wearing can be so unstable as to cause the foot to turn and the tissue to tear. So take care both when in your trainers and your evening pumps! Fortunately, given time, most ankle injuries heal completely but if inadequate rest time is allowed for the joint to heal before resuming normal activity (especially in sportsmen and women), the ligaments can remain permanently stretched, and this means that the ankle will continue to be weaker than its owner would like, and further injury is far more likely.Tennis elbow, on the other hand, is an injury thought to be caused by overexertion, mainly repetitive motion of the arm and, particularly, the outer part of the elbow joint, in hitting hundreds of thousands of tennis balls. Tennis elbow is, of course, found in those who participate in repetitive sports other than tennis, and even in those who do not play sport at all, but it has its name in common parlance, and tennis elbow it is!Both injuries, despite the differences between them and their causes, respond very well indeed to a gentle program of exercise and recovery, where the body is allowed to mend and repair itself naturally. At AceRehab (where their aim is for you to "Get Back in the Race") the professional staff have the experience to design the program, see the patient through each stage of the game, and amend and adapt the process as necessary for each individual. Physical therapy, together with a balance of massage, rest, and if necessary, alternative treatments such as acupuncture to deal with any lingering pain, will see sufferers of most physical injuries well on the road to success.


Thursday, 22 March 2012

Orthopedic Surgeon - Treatment for Athletic Injuries - Health

An orthopedic surgeon can treat sports injuries or other trauma caused to the musculoskeletal system. The doctor can diagnose these injuries and determine the best course of action for treatment. The most common sports injuries occur to areas such as the shoulder, knee, and ankle.

Sometimes athletes dislocate their shoulders by falling on it or sometimes they are injured when another athlete pushes into the shoulder during certain sports. The shoulder can be dislocated or pushed out of its natural position into several different unnatural positions. Shoulders can also be separated, sprained, or strained. Like shoulder dislocations, many of these injuries are caused when athletes participate in football, ice hockey or other sports.

Volleyball players and other athletes who participate in non-contact sports may also experience these injuries due to some of the required motions in the sport. Some people state that the injured limb moved the wrong way, causing the injury. The injured person should not move the shoulder until he or she is seen by an orthopedic surgeon. The doctor may advise that the patient's shoulder be kept immobile for a minimum period of time.

Knees are also commonly injured. The knee can be injured from a hit during a contact sport. Frequent movements, or improper movements can also result in a dislocation, tears, or sprains. Sometimes when athletes run, they may suddenly move in the opposite direction, causing the knee to twist out of its natural position.

The injury can also occur when an athlete makes a kicking motion that results in a dislocation. The athlete is likely to feel searing pain from the injury and it may be necessary to see an orthopedic surgeon for an examination and a consultation. Although most injured people have the urge to try to push the knee back into place, this action is not advised.

Depending on the condition, the knee should be kept still, and physicians usually recommend that ice be placed on the area immediately after the injury to keep the swelling down. In addition to injuries from irregular movements, or from human to human impact during contact sports, the knee can also be injured during falls. For some injuries, the doctor may recommend that the joint is moved to improve the condition. Stretching exercises are recommended for some conditions. That is why it is important to visit a physician after an injury. The doctor can determine whether or not it is safe to move the injured joint or whether the limb should be held in place.

Neck pain is most often caused when people misuse or use the muscles in the neck extensively. Often the muscles may become strained or the ligaments can tear. Athletes or others may experience severe pain when this occurs. A physician can properly diagnose the injury. Bodybuilders, in particular may experience lower back pain. Improper lifting of heavy weights can stress the lower back causing it to ache over a long period of time. An orthopedic surgeon can recommend treatments or surgery for back chronic back pain.


Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Pediatric Problems Plus Treatment To Aid Them - Health

It is a sad day when one has to cope with pediatric issues in the family. Most people imagine that kids should by no means undergo from physical problems. But, the reality should be confronted that pediatric issues can happen. The good news is that physiotherapy offers some help for them.

Unfortunately, there are numerous pediatric disorders. To call a few, there are: scoliosis, torticollis, Osgood-Schlatter, sports activities and traumatic accidents, reluctant walkers, developmental problems, cerebral palsy, and genetic disorders.

Physiotherapy for scoliosis - a curvature of the backbone - consists of exercises to strengthen the back. Electrical stimulation is used for this sort of pediatric disorders. The stimulation goes on to the skeletal muscles. Chiropractic can be utilized in an effort to straighten the spine.

Torticollis is a type of pediatric disorders of the neck. There's a downside with one of the muscle tissues of the neck so that the kid shouldn't be able to hold his head up straight. The top might be tilted to at least one side. This chin will jut out on the opposite side of the neck. Physiotherapy can stretch this muscle so that the kid can hold his head more normally.

Spinal twine injuries as pediatric issues are troublesome to treat. Kids often don't wish to do the work that is required to stay forward of the deterioration that can be brought on by this condition. Physiotherapy personnel are challenged to maintain the kid's spirits up as they teach them the right way to exercise with and without particular equipment.

Mind accidents, together with cerebral palsy and strokes are pediatric disorders that have to be managed delicately. The neurological system is often not as sturdy as the skeletal or muscular systems. Nonetheless, brain accidents also contain these different systems as well.

A brand new treatment for these pediatric problems like brain accidents is utilizing hyperbaric oxygen therapy. This kind of physiotherapy is predicated on the concept, in these circumstances, there are sometimes components of the brain that are not working but may be revived. The HBOT can typically revive them.

Pediatric problems akin to sports injuries and traumatic injuries require different types of physiotherapy based mostly upon the placement and severity of the injury. If a baby has repeatedly sprained the same ankle, remedy will essentially deal with that ankle, as well as any body part that supports or counterbalances that ankle. Total energy is important.

Traumatic accidents require a specific amount of psychological training, as the subject of the accident or different ordeal may convey on such misery that the child does not need to work. A very good physiotherapist will be capable to work with such a child. Traumatic injuries can be extreme enough that the physiotherapist plans a prolonged course of therapy to beat them. Pediatric disorders like this require endurance from everyone involved.

The listing of pediatric disorders is lengthy and varied. Not all of them could be helped by physiotherapy at this time. Proper now, physiotherapy can be used in lots of circumstances to alleviate signs or even to reverse damage. Physiotherapy performs a beneficial perform in serving to children reside more normal lives.


Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Air-Cast for Ankle and Foot Injuries02 - Health

I can only believe by its average client rating of 6. 5 million per episode that the show-The Walking Dead-has long its deathly reach on not only my life, but mostly everyone else's for one Sunday from every week over a 2 calendar month stretch. What is it regarding this show that's so enjoyable? Well, it's freaking zombies! First of all, you generally can't get wrong with televising a post-apocalyptic together with cannibalistic scenario, especially in a time where we're finding your way through an economic recession, and a lot of uncertainty and fear within the future both domestically and even internationally. So, the morbid backdrop within the Walking Dead naturally includes a gruesomely familiar appeal. The main character of the show, Rick Grimes, is played from the relatively unknown Andrew Lincoln. Grimes is a sheriff in Atlanta who been for a while in a coma after a failed shoot-out with a fabulous criminal. Upon awakening coming from his coma, he finds himself str anded in any hospital room. When he or she left his confinement, he sees a healthcare facility is in shambles. He quickly leaves a medical facility and comes across numerous rows of corpses prepared. Everything changed for Dave Grimes. The world he had known before his coma had fallen victim on the scourge of the undead, and his mission is to obtain his wife and son from a hope to rekindle any memories from a world once peaceful as well as normal. The show is completely different from any a-typical survival horror flick that has been churned out over much more 20 years. There are generally numerous layers of dynamics development, and the zombies serve for the reason that backdrop to remind us-the viewers-about what is at stake for all the characters. A cast of unknowns to get a big budget show could draw a skeptic eye from some, but in my feeling, this is a great way to keep the attention centered on the story and not distract from them through an A-list presence relating to the screen. Even with then again, this cast more than holds their, delivering top-notch performances and additionally stirring in me a lot of empathy and sympathy for their plight. So what lots of people are waiting for? Check that out! .Subsequently after fracturing my foot, patients and close relatives asked me how it's being treated. Was medical operation required? Did you need it casted? What is the obvious way to treat this type of fracture? As I idea of these issues, I felt it was recommended to explain the differences with the various available treatments and when one is better than another. I, however, placed my broken foot inside of a walking boot for reasons I may explain later. Cast: For the standard treatment meant for fractures was plaster casts (now fiberglass), and was which will protect the area plus stabilize the fracture destination. These are still employed regularly, but may not be required. Advantages:- Solid construct providing you with protection for the area this was injured.- Due in the firmness of the placed, it stabilizes the fracture during healing.- Inability to remove. In some patients they can be a necessity, because fractures intensify without protection and if ever the "protection" is being frequently removed it won't heal correctly. Disadvantages:- Can't receive cast wet, making bathing more complicated.- Itching and likely irritation from wearing a new cast for 6-8 2 or 3 weeks during healing.Air-Cast for Ankle and Foot In, Walking-Cast for Ankle and Foo


Monday, 19 March 2012

Top 5 Home Remedies for Ankle Pain - Health - Wellness

Suffering from ankle pain? Sometimes ankle pain may occur due to sprains that took place unknowingly. Ligaments that are attached to the ankle either tear partially, or fully rupture. The overall pain experienced depends on the severity of the injury, yet home remedies can reduce the amount of pain and discomfort you feel.Here are 5 home remedies for you to reduce pain and discomfort on your ankle:

1. Icing your ankle may respond better to an alternating hot-and-cold therapy. Use two gel packs. One should apply heat for 20 minutes. Follow it with a cold pack for 20 minutes.Alternatively, you can prepare ice packs by filling a gallon-sized Ziploc with fresh ice. Apply the ice pack on your swelling ankle to reduce the amount of swelling will reduce your discomfort. Ensure that the ice rests directly on the swollen area. If the cold is too intense, place a small rag between the skin and the ice pack.

2. Herbal RemediesHome remedies such as coconut and garlic oil help reduce pain and swelling when they soak directly into the skin. Mix 3 table spoon of coconut and garlic oil into a container and heat in the microwave for ten seconds, slightly warming the mixture. Generously massage the oil directly onto your ankle for ten minutes, allowing the oils to soak into your skin.

Cabbage contains minerals and vitamins that are useful when ingested, as well as when they're applied externally. Gather the outer layers, or leaves, of the cabbage plant. Blanch the leaves by boiling them in water and then immediately placing the leaves into a container of ice-cold water. Once the leaves have been blanched, wrap your entire foot and ankle, and allow them to rest for 30 minutes before removing.

3. DietingChanging your diet to relieve knee pain can be effective over a longer term. If you are heavy, you may experience poor circulation and heightened stress in the ankles and other weight-bearing joints. If you are overweight and suffer from frequent strains or bone degeneration, losing weight can permanently end your ankle pain. Adding a joint supplement to your diet, such as glucosamine or chondroitin, may also help some people by protecting the ankle joint and surrounding tissue.

4. ExercisesExercise is an ongoing home treatment that will serve as pain relief and prevention. To prevent future ankle injuries, and to strengthen an ankle that is already injured, range-of-motion exercises and stretches provide the most benefit. Only stretch or exercise the ankle once the pain has subsided.

Range-of-motion exercises will increase the flexibility of tendons and ligaments that have tightened during an injury. Trace the alphabet with your toes, moving the ankle as much as possible throughout. Repeat at least ten times per day to strengthen your ankle and improve your flexibility.

While sitting on a chair, place the foot with the injured ankle flat on the floor. Slowly move your knee from side-to-side without lifting your foot off of the ground. Repeat this exercise at least ten times per day to enhance lateral movement.

The pain level of these exercises should never move into moderate or severe levels. Experiencing a small amount of pain is common when beginning range-of-motion exercises, however, discontinue the exercise if the pain becomes severe.

5. Orthopaedics treatmentSeek for medical support if your back pain still persists after trying out the suggested remedies. It is advisable to seek for professional help if your back pain is giving you symptoms that casn be interpreted into serious health issues.


Sunday, 18 March 2012

Sports Injury in Phoenix: What You Need to Know and Where You Should Go for Treatment - Health

Although exercise and activity is good for your overall health and well-being, a sports injury in Phoenix can happen. Injuries can result from a variety of reasons. Not being in shape or well conditioned, over-exerting, not warming up properly or any other number of causes can result in injury.

Common sports injuries include sprains, strains, knee injuries, fractures and dislocations. The most important thing to remember when you get hurt during an activity is to stop playing. Continuing to play can cause further damage and require more aggressive treatment.

After an injury, you should rest and keep the injured area immobilized. Over-the-counter medications can help alleviate initial pain and swelling. If the injury is severe, it's critical you seek medical attention to avoid further complications. Consulting with a doctor who specializes in sports injury in Phoenix is a prudent decision that could speed your recovery.

Medical Specialists for Sports Injury in Phoenix

A sports injury specialist will provide surgical, non-surgical and rehabilitative care. These physicians are specially trained in treatments such as:

Hip, knee, shoulder, elbow and ankle procedures Arthroscopic surgeries Fractures Orthopedic trauma Complex articular cartilage restoration Foot and ankle reconstruction

Because the field of medicine is very broad, you need to find a practicing physician who has specific training and experience in medicine. It's not uncommon to find providers who aren't medical doctors treating a sports injury in Phoenix.

To achieve the best diagnosis and care for a sports injury in Phoenix, the specialist will have tools such as MRI and x-ray services on-site. Your chosen physician should have experience treating both professional and amateur athletes.Although sports medicine is not a board-certified discipline, the American College of Sports Medicine may require certification in the near future. Professional organizations include the American Osteopathic Academy of Sports Medicine and the American Orthopedic Society for Sports Medicine. The success of your treatment depends on your ability to thoroughly evaluate a sports medicine practitioner in terms of medical qualifications, memberships and experience.For example, a well-qualified doctor will have completed a sports medicine fellowship. This training, reserved for physicians, involves successfully completing a one or two year program in addition to their internship and residency. Sports medicine doctors may have received their medical degree in orthopedics, family practice, internal medicine or other fields.

Common Treatments for Sports Injury in Phoenix

Prior to proposing any treatment plan, a qualified sports medicine doctor will completely assess your condition. Then, he or she will develop a customized treatment plan that will return you to both your normal daily activity and your sport. The treatment plan, which may or may not include surgery, will be designed to correct and rehabilitate the affected area. A successful outcome will return strength and mobility, as well as prevent a recurring sports injury in Phoenix.

Whether you need physical therapy or a complex surgery, your orthopedic sports medicine specialist should be able to provide and coordinate your care. Your physician should be focused on returning you to activity in the shortest amount of time and with full function of the affected area.

One final thought: you may want to find a sports medicine physician before you get hurt, especially if you play regular sports. The last thing you want to do is conduct an evaluation of sports medicine physicians when you're hurt.


Saturday, 17 March 2012

Swollen Feet- Vital Causes and Treatment - Health - Diseases and Conditions

If you have painful and swollen feet, you are actually suffering from oedema. When the muscles of the feet is filled with excessive fluid, the muscles get expanded and the patient witness some kind of unbearable pain and find himself unable to walk or move properly. This stagnation of excessive of fluid consequently leads to an increase in weight. Oedema usually affects the feet, ankles and lower legs by affecting the other parts of the body also which result in systematic symptoms. Localized processes like extreme injuries or infections may also lead to swollen foot or ankle. Swelling on one side of the ankle often occurs due to sprain or strain which is of short time but sometimes some other disease like heart disease or kidney and liver failure, may affect the entire part of the body causing swollen of feet. Causes of swollen footAs mentioned above, the excessive stagnation of fluid in the body can cause oedema and the gravity force pulls the fluids downward causing th e swelling of feet and ankles. There can be many factors for swollen foot and ankles:-


Friday, 16 March 2012

Check out our chiropractor Clarksville Tennessee with regard to Clarksville Chiropractor treatment options - Health

If you are experiencing upper back pain, neck discomfort or perhaps hip bone problems from a vehicle accident, you might have already been contacted by traditional medicine to acquire x-rays, an MRI, many weeks of endless physiotherapy at the neighborhood clinic. Although it all looks normal, the chances are it isn't really performing as good or as soon as you want. Although some individuals believe that physiotherapy could be the strategy to use right after a car crash, you might like to contemplate visiting our Clarksville Chiropractor for alternative remedies that can actually help cure the problem instead of simply covering it up.

Exactly the same thing might be true with physical rehabilitation that is similar to a gentle therapeutic massage that manipulates however doesn't remedy the problem for you. Covering up the discomfort coming from an crash of any variety is obviously not the solution. Our chiropractor Clarksville Tennessee continues to be familiarized with treatment approaches which will help remedy the discomfort simply by getting every little thing into the correct position.

Once you check out our own chiropractor Clarksville TN you will see that the therapy choices we provide are made to line up your backbone as well as reducing the stress about the nerves which might be creating the suffering. At our own chiropractor Clarksville Tennessee clinic, we all utilize restorative ultrasound to create a thermal physiologic impact which rehabilitates different styles of traumas. The principle function for stimulating the soft tissue along with ultrasound is usually to fix it and reduce the discomfort you are having, whether it is from a mishap or perhaps lifting a thing that was overweight. Folks who suffer from a variety of painfulness issues tend to visit our Clarksville Chiropractor for help with all sorts of aches and pains. If you've just had a baby and you picked her up wrong and have a pain in your back, our Clarksville Chiropractor will know what to do to relieve the pain for you.

In the event you sprained your ankle joint or stretched your arm, give us a call to have some ultrasound treatment options to deal with it. Sometimes a firefighter will raise someone to carry them out of a building and wrench his back so that he needs treatment from one of our professionals. If you have been to standard physicians and you don't have relief from neck discomfort, turn to us for help. We accept most insurance policies for everything from sports injuries to automobile accidents. We will be happy to explain all your treatment options so that you know exactly what we will be doing before we actually do it.

We will be pleased to clarify all of your treatment plans so you are aware exactly what we are doing before we actually get it done. You may not realize that chiropractic remedies may alleviate anxiety and boost overall flexibility to enable you to inhale and exhale far better. For those who have work connected damage that's included through your workmens settlement, we could care for your injury for you. Our treatments can help improve circulation and release toxins so that your body can heal itself. You will find that our chiropractor Clarksville Tennessee is trained in finding and fixing all types of problems that have been caused by auto accidents, trips and falls and any other injuries you have. In case your neck area is wrenched or your back is kinked, ask our chiropractor Clarksville Tennessee for assistance. We will x-ray you and find the problem so we may repair it along with alternative remedies that are geared toward a cure, not just a cover up.

We also really appreciate for all their work in helping us achieve affordable seo services.


Thursday, 15 March 2012

The Very Best and Examined Treatment Options Designed For Osgood Schlatters Disease - Other

Our goal here is to help you, not to advertise a certain brand name to you. Consider the following questions. This way the decision making is up to you. Once you can answer these questions, then you will know how to find the best knee support possible, when you are playing in any sport.

Like other athletes, I'm also prone to different kind of injuries. More often than not, these injuries involve my knees, ankles, and the hip joint. Large numbers of these injuries are sprains and strains. The pain, swelling, stiffness, and muscle spasms make it impossible to move the injured part. If you are like me who often experience sprains and strains, below are some immediate treatments that I tried.

Symptoms associated with this joint pain disorder include warmth, inflammation, redness, stiffness, sounds from the knee, and problems with straightening the knee. Conventionally, this condition can be treated with medications, corticosteroid or hyaluronic acid injections, physical therapy, or surgery. You can also use home remedies to get rid of your pain. Most of these remedies are safe, simple, cheap, very effective in providing knee pain relief, and without any harsh or harmful side effects.

Improve blood circulation. Sitting still for extended periods of time decreases the circulation of blood and oxygen throughout the body. If you work at a desk all day long, try to get up and stretch or walk a few steps about every 20 minutes or so to stimulate muscles. Individuals who are unable to leave their desks should at least shift their sitting position.

Osgood-Schlatter Disease: If you are between 12-18 years of age and suffer from pain, swelling, or tenderness that is located just under your kneecap which becomes worse during activity, it could be due to Osgood-Schlatter disease. This is a condition that affects most boys during their preteen years when they have a growth spurt.

The second category of sports injuries is overuse injuries or chronic type. Are injuries that develop over a period shorter or longer? Chronic injuries are usually caused by repetitive motion, such as those involved in running, throwing things over your head or get in tennis. Include:

Patello femoral pain is observed in young adults, especially, in athletes and also in older adults who have knee cap arthritis. Burning pain in the back of the knee, or burning pain when kneeling, straightening, standing, walking, or burning pain in front part of the knee is found in almost all the above cases. Swelling, stiffness or loss of flexibility in knee-joint is found in some cases, along with a low-grade fever. A general discomfort is also observed.

Ligament Injuries - when the tough bands of tissue that connect the thighbone (femur) and the lower leg bone (tibia and fibula) together, also known as ligaments, are torn as a result of a fall or contact trauma, most likely it will cause instant pain in the injured area. Discomfort may range from mild to severe. Pain is heightened when you walk or bend your knee.

Labs also endure from the threat of knee complications. A "luxating patella" is a common occurrence in the knee that benefits in the leg currently being "bow "shaped. This abnormality can lead to abnormal have on and tear on the joint, resulting in the enhancement of unpleasant osteoarthritis for some Labs.

This is often brought about by that first softball or golf game of the season, or too much yard work or snow shoveling in one day. We are all familiar with this "stiffness" and soreness in the low back - and other areas of the body - that usually goes away within a few days. Disk Injury

These are a few of the types of pain that you may have. The important thing to remember is that you don't give into the suffering. Order a nice treatment and try to relax. Don't over think the situation.

Always remember that if at anytime your child is sick, has an injury of any kind or seems tired or non-energetic, do not have them exercise until you are sure they are better or until they have seen a doctor and have clearance from them.

A first time gout toe sufferer is highly likely to suffer other gout attacks and these can appear in other joints. And if these gout attacks happen on a regular basis, permanent joint damage can be the result.

Acupuncture neck pain treatments are seen as a form of effective way to deal with neck pain. It is moreover considered more effective, even if marginally, than massage therapy. If the neck pain is happen to be caused by an injury of some kind then relief can be found within a few sessions.

Osgood-Schlatter Disease is caused when the patella tendon, which is attached at the tibial tuberosity, tugs away and rubs directly against the bone, which causes the surrounding area to be inflamed. It is most often associated with young athletes that are heavily involved in running and jumping exercises, as these activities can place a great strain on the patella tendon. If exercises that strain the patella tendon are continued, new bone can grow, causing a noticeable but safe lump at the tibial tuberosity. Generally, Osgood-Schlatter Disease tends to affect boys more than girls. Usually, this disease clears up when the sufferer's body stops growing and the tendons are allowed to become stronger without being stretched. Occasionally, Osgood-Schlatter disease can persist through adulthood.


Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Osteopath Explains: What Is a Sprain? - Health - Wellness

f you are an athlete who plays volleyball, basketball, football, soccer, a gymnast, a swimmer, a cyclist, or anyone with an active lifestyle, chances are you already have had your fair share of sprains. Sprains are injuries to one or more of your ligaments.

Ligaments are the thick, fibrous, and tough tissues that connect your bones together. These ligaments align your bones together preventing you to move abnormally. However, if too much force is applied to your ligaments, these can be injured, torn apart, and stretched apart causing the sprains. Ligaments can acquire injuries by stretching too much from their normal positions causing misalignments and pain. Parts of the body that commonly have sprains are your wrists, ankles, and knees.

Sprains are classified according to the severity of the effect of the injury. Grade 1 sprain is characterized by stretched fibers of your ligaments. On the other hand, grade 2 sprains indicate that a part of your ligament is torn but your ligaments and your tissues are still in tact. Lastly, the most severe of the three classifications, grade 3 sprains exemplify completely torn or ruptured ligaments. Sprains are usually characterized by pains, varying from the grade of the sprain and the swelling of the affected area.

Sprains are caused by physical stress. In these circumstances, the muscles and the ligaments of the body are put into a situation where in they have moved a part of their body which were not prepared or created to do so. Usually, sprains happen in your ankles, knees, and wrists but they can also happen to your neck. Neck injuries and sprains after accidents such as a car accident or a sports injury frequently occur as well. Aside from that, your fingers and thumbs can also have sprains, a condition which is referred to as Skier's or gamekeeper's thumb.

Varying from the extent of the injury, sprains can completely heal in weeks or months. Although people who have sprains are not able to move normally, they should slowly move the affected areas in order to assist the body part to respond to activity, which is part of the healing process. Nonetheless, it is also advisable for people who have sprains to consult a skillful osteopath for further assistance on the healing process.

An excellent osteopath may be of great help by providing you with treatments and exercises that will help you recover from the sprain faster.


Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Ankle Braces - Health

Ankle sprains and injuries are one of the most common musculoskeletal problems faced by people playing outdoor sports. Such injuries can be

caused by an inversion or eversion resulting in stretching of the ligaments of the foot. This can happen due to an application of excess

weight on the foot when it is in an awkward position, or by running or jumping on uneven ground. While rest, ice, compression and elevation of

the foot is the best possible immediate treatment for a sprain, strains or pull, if the problem persists it is imperative to consult a

physician. There is a huge chance of your doctor recommending the use of in such cases. These days many athletes use ankle

braces, which have been significantly improved by making use of modern technology, to prevent such injuries.Ankles braces can be found in a wide variety of styles specifically designed to support particular areas of the foot and leg. You can simply

go online and look for specific that your physician has urged you to use. Some of the braces available today are designed as a

cast to give your leg some basic support with elastic bands that help keep the muscles in place. These can be removed while bathing, dressing

or sleeping. A few of the most popular today are the air cast leg brace, the air cast leg brace with anterior panel for tibial

protection, the air cast stirrup ankle brace specially helpful in playing sports, the foot drop support ankle foot orthosis, the air stirrup

pediatric ankle brace, and the air heel compression ankle brace.These prevent excessive mobility in the ankle joint, reducing the chances of sustaining further injury to the foot or leg of the

wearer. The use of functional has proven to be a lot more helpful as compared to the earlier used rigid . There is a

marked difference between the recovery periods of injuries sustained when wearing either version of the braces, with functional

having the upper hand. In the competitive and fast world we live in today, any injury has to be treated and cured within a short span of time.

Thanks to the new breed of out in the marketplace in contemporary society, this abililty to speedily recover from injury is

possible. It is most important to ask your physician about the ankle brace you will need as circumstances such as type of injury and patients'

lifestyle, etc. have to be taken into consideration.It is recommended that patients come to an understanding of the most appropriate brace for their injury and then search for it online. Online

shopping has made such an otherwise time-consuming ordeal effortless and quick. In fact, you can even compare features of the {a href="

/braces-c-42"} and their prices before adding one to your virtual shopping cart. You can

buy the product using your credit card and have it delivered to your doorstep in a matter of days.


Monday, 12 March 2012

When Should I See a Foot and Ankle Specialist - Health - Fitness

Foot and ankle pain consistently ranks as one of the top five reasons for consulting a GP. The number of people suffering without any medical attention is even higher, as our feet tend to be a particularly neglected part of our bodies. When people first experience pain, their first port of call is often a podiatrist or physiotherapist and indeed, this is the right approach for many foot and ankle conditions. For a common problem such as heel pain, conservative methods such as wearing orthotic supports and stretching exercises are sufficient to resolve the problem for about 80 per cent of sufferers.

However some foot and ankle conditions do require an assessment by a specialist - that is a consultant orthopaedic surgeon and ideally one concentrating wholly upon the foot and ankle. Seeing a surgeon will not lead you inevitably to surgery . Specialist foot and ankle surgeons work closely with podiatrists and physiotherapists and will try conservative methods where appropriate, often with great success. In recent years, there has also been great advances in the range of injections available for foot and ankle pain (steroid injections are not the only options) plus more evidence that extracorporeal shockwave therapy is effective for pain, particularly plantar fasciitis.

People who suffer ankle sprains are often unsure when to 'let nature take its course' and when they need medical attention. Surgeons suggest that the ankle sprain which does not heel within six weeks should be a cause for concern. You may have had an x-ray in your local Accident and Emergency Department but ligament damage is unlike to be evident on this imaging. However untreated ligament damage can lead to ankle instability and a cycle of that instability causing further sprains and exacerbating weakness.

Persistant stiffness and pain, particularly in and around the ankle, midfoot and big toe is likely to be due to arthritis. Many people endure serious pain from arthritis, finding ways of working around the condition rather than seeking treatment. But a diagnosis when arthritis is at a relatively early stage means you have a far wider range of options available to you than waiting to see a specialist once the condition is advanced. At an early stage, scar tissue can be removed from the joint using keyhole surgery. Although this will not prevent the condition from progressing, it can do a great deal to reduce pain and improve mobility. At an advanced stage of arthritis, fusion surgery is a very effective way of eliminating pain by preventing arthritic bone surfaces from rubbing together. For patients who do not want the degree of flexibility lost by fusion, ankle replacement surgery is a much improved area. Ankle replacement surgery had remained behind knee and hip replaceme nt surgery in terms of success rates, but improvements in medical technology mean the new ankle replacements are now much more durable and effective.

For people enduring heel pain, specialists suggest trying conservative treatments for six months - including rest, orthotics and stretching exercises. After this period, if you remain in serious pain, you are likely to have a more intractable problem which requires 'second line' treatment. This usually does not entail surgery. Most heel pain problems can be treated with shockwave therapy or injections, with a much smaller percentage benefitting from a small surgical procedure in which the calf muscle is stretched in a very controlled way by the surgeon.

Bunions are another major foot problem which people tend to put off seeking specialist help. Some people are concerned about bunion surgery, their fears often coming from accounts of people who have had older methods of surgery causing extensive pain and a long recovery. There are now very good, established minimally invasive surgery methods to treat bunions, much reducing pain and improving the post-operative experience. Surgeons will emphasise that if the bunion is causing no pain, surgery is not required and should not be embarked upon for cosmetic reasons. However once the bunion is causing pain, treatment must be considered, not only to address the pain but also to prevent the bunion from causing further deformity such as hammer toe and mobility problems.

The rule of thumb with all forms of foot and ankle problems if that if you are in significant pain for more than a couple of weeks, you should see a foot and ankle consultant. Unlike back pain, foot and ankle pain does not tend to 'just go away' and ignoring or working around problems is likely to exacerbate your condition in the longer term.


Sunday, 11 March 2012

Orthopedic Treatment- Heals You Arthritis Problem - Health - Diseases and Conditions

With the increasing age, ailments like joint pain, heart diseases, Osteoporosis, etc makes a home in the human body. But have you ever wondered why these diseases occur? Well the main reason behind this is the lack of hard work, consumption of synthetic food, and our unsystematic lifestyle. Amalgamation of all these three makes our immune system weak leading to various diseases, which we often relate to old age diseases.

Well let me give some good news to those people who are suffering from the problem of arthritis for a long period of time and have made the local doctor a rich man by paying regular visit to his clinic for curing your orthopedic disease since the past 1o years.With the advancement of medical Science, a drastic change has come in the field of orthopedic treatment. Now it has become easier to get rid of your joint pains through shoulder and hip replacement, uni or bilateral knee replacement, full knee replacement, etc.through the process of Endoscopic and arthroscopic surgery, in some of the leading orthopedic hospitals in India, where Orthopedic surgeons from all over the globe visits for your speedy recovery.

What is Orthopedics?

Orthopedic is a problem that develops in the bones, joints, and ligaments of the human body. It can be corrected through both non surgical and surgical methods performed by orthopedic surgeons, who are trained to assess and treat problems.This surgery spans a wide range of procedures that correct problems that affect the musculoskeletal system. It may also include some problems of the nervous system that arises from injury of the spine.However, in India, Orthopedic surgeons follow the following procedures of treatment:

Setting of broken bones and putting on castsDiagnosing sprain and other joint and ligament "pulls"Treating joint conditions such as slipped disks, dislocations, arthritis, and back problems.Treating bone tumors and birth defects of the skeletonSurgically repairing hip, knee, shoulder, ankles, wrists, elbows, feet and hand jointsTreating degenerative disease of the jointsReplacement of joint with prostheses (arthroplasty)

The Orthopedic surgeons in the top notch orthopedic hospitals in India , located in Northern and Southern regions of India along with one of the best hospital in Patna, combines the most recent developments in orthopedic medicine with state-of-the-art methodologies in orthopedic surgery along with new alternatives that were undiscovered so far. However, it is believed that hospitals for Orthopedic Surgery in India are world leaders in the diagnosis and surgical and non-surgical treatment of orthopedic conditions.


Saturday, 10 March 2012


NON-SURGICAL TREATMENTS FOR PAINPain is little word for a big problem! Luckily though, there are successful pain treatments available. If you want to learn more, please read carefully. Pain can be caused by a specific incident or can simply appear from out of nowhere. It can come and go or it can stay for what seems like forever. It can range from mild to excruciating. The real problem with pain and pain management is deciding how to treat it. There are probably as many ways to treat pain as there are ways to create pain. But of those, there are only a handful of reliable, safe, and effective treatments. The first step a physician must take in determining which treatment is best for you, is finding out how long you have had the pain, and also finding out (if possible) what caused it.Most pain can be classified into one of two categories. Pain is either Acute or Chronic.

Acute Injuries: such as a sprained ankle, strained back, or fractured hand, occur suddenly, during activity. Acute injuries last up to 6 weeks. Signs of an acute injury include the following:* Sudden, severe pain * Swelling * Inability to place weight on a lower limb * Extreme tenderness in an upper limb * Inability to move a joint through its full range of motion * Extreme limb weakness * Visible dislocation or break of a bone

Chronic Injuries: usually result from overusing one area of the body while playing a sport or exercising, and last for a long period (6 weeks or longer). The following are signs of a chronic injury:* Pain when performing an activity * A dull ache when at rest * Swelling Once the source, type and duration of the pain have been determined, the physician can then better choose a treatment plan. There are three main pain therapies available. All effective and all safe when administered by a trained practitioner. These treatments are Acupuncture, Trigger Points and Prolotherapy. What are they? And when would a physician decide to use them?Acupuncture- It is an ancient Chinese technique used to treat various forms of pain. It involves placing tiny needles in strategic locations on the body. There is no medicine placed in or on the needles. It is not exactly clear how acupuncture works, but it does work on many people and we know that it has an effect through the autonomic and ce ntral nervous system, as well as the circulatory system. Some pains that respond well to acupuncture include:o facial paino headacheso neuritiso sciaticao arthritiso joint paino back paino shingleso fibromyalgiao plantar fasciitiso costochondritiso and other inflammatory pains.Trigger Points- If your pain is acute, then it is likely still in an inflammatory stage. Some examples of this include:o Fallso sports injurieso pulled, strained or knotted muscleso joint irritation.

Ice or a heating pad along with Tylenol or Ibuprofen are the usual remedies, yet only provide temporary relief. A physician can inject medicine into the area to relieve the irritation and inflammation, which allows for a more rapid healing. These injections are termed Trigger Point injections and are specifically for acute pains.Prolotherapy- This treatment is for chronic ligament and tendon pain. This pain usually occurs at the joint but is often referred to other areas. Ligaments that are strained, stretched and even partially torn respond well to Prolotherapy. Areas best suited for this treatment are the larger joints such as:o Necko Backo Shoulder o Knee

Prolotherapy is a series of injections that creates a sterile inflammation in the ligaments and tendons; and through this inflammation, it causes new ligaments to grow. This process strengthens the joint, then decreases and even eliminates the pain.

For more information on any of these pain treatments or questions about knee, back, hip, shoulder or neck pain contact us at


Friday, 9 March 2012

Chronic Ankle Instability From Simple Sprain? - Health - Fitness

Spring is here in many parts of the country. Kids are clammering to start practicing Spring sports. Soccer games, track meet and baseball practices fill your schedule. Runners start to dust off their running shoes and say goodbye to their treadmills. Spring is in the air, and our old friend the ankle sprain is starting to show up more frequently in the office. Basketball and volleyball seasons are always the main producer of this injury; but you would probably be surprised how many ankle sprains occur in outdoor sports like soccer, baseball, lacrosse and of course track and field. Ankle sprains have been reported to be approximately 20% of all sports injuries with more than 25,000 occurring every day in the United States

Uneven, wet fields coupled with early season fatigue and competitive full-contact intensity equal injuries. The ankle is the joint that compensates for uneven surfaces. 85% of ankle injuries are sprains, which are caused by a failure to compensate for this uneven footing. Pivoting, quick turns and jumping puts the ankle joint at risk. Inadequate rehabilitation of an injury places many athletes at further risk by decreasing their inherent adaptive ability to uneven surfaces or sudden changes in direction. The use of narrow cleats with minimal arch support or the use of running shoes for a court sport can also place an athlete at risk for ankle sprains.

Ankle sprains occur in runners mainly because they are chatting away as they are on a long run and are simply not paying attention. How often do you see a runner fall just because they fell of the curb or in a hole while running? Lots...Pay attention to where you are going and you can prevent this type of injury. If you know you are a klutz, run on an even surface, like a track, when you are tired or distracted.

If you have an ankle sprain, you should be evaluated by a sports medicine podiatric foot and ankle surgeon if you have localized pain, swelling and bruising, as well as inability to walk more than 5-7 steps comfortably. Many a foot fracture has been missed in the emergency room when x-rays were taken only of the ankle and not the foot. The fifth metatarsal is often broken with the same mechanism of injury of an ankle sprain, so the foot should be evaluated as well. In severe ankle sprains, an MRI is needed to evaluate the grade of the injury. This is really what decides whether surgery is needed for full recovery.

The severity of an injury and proper treament can only be determined by your doctor. Initial treatment always includes "R-I-C-E" therapy - Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation. Pain and edema is usually controlled with NSAID's (non-steroidal anti-inflammatories) like ibuprofen. Bracing or casting coupled with non-weightbearing on crutches may be needed in more severe injuries to rest and stabilize the ankle while it heals. Return to pain-free range of motion (ROM) and stability is the goal. Surgery is only recommended in Grade 3 severe injuries in athletes or in those patients who have had multiple ankle sprains and suffer from chronic ankle instability. Long-term ankle instability can often be avoided with an aggressive physical therapy program. Bracing should only be used in the short-term during rehabilitation because long-term bracing actually causes atrophy and decreased ROM.

Physical therapy is needed for all ankle sprains. The goals of physical therapy should be to regain full ROM, strength and proprioception (where your brain thinks your ankle is in space). Regaining strength in the peroneal tendons as well as overall balance training are the keys to successful rehabilitation of an ankle sprain. A maintenance program of ankle strengthening, stretching, and proprioception exercises helps to decrease the risk of future ankle sprains, particularly in individuals with a history of multiple ankle sprains or of chronic instability.

Bottom line: if you happen to fall down and go "Boom", have your ankle sprain evaluated by a podiatric foot and ankle surgeon. Delaying treatment and rehabilitation can lead to life-long instability.


Thursday, 8 March 2012

What Causes Ankle Arthritis? - Health

Ankle Arthritis isn't a disease in its own right. It's the result of osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis moving into the ankle joints. When you think about it, you'll realize that the ankles support the entire weight of the body when it's in a standing position. Couple that with the fact that the ankle is also responsible for movement, and a patient can be in for a lot of pain. To make the whole thing worse, the ankle joint turns in all directions. This means that deterioration of the cartilage in the ankle will happen very quickly.

All Ankle Pain Isn't Arthritis

Many times pain in the foot and ankle area can be caused by other problems instead of ankle arthritis. For example, a lot of lower leg pain can be traced back to problems in the lower back and hips. If you are experiencing a lot of pain in your ankles and feet, you need to see your doctor. After examining you'll he'll be better able to assess what is causing your pain.

A simple blood test will tell your doctor if you have rheumatoid arthritis which is a rarer form of the disease. If you are diagnosed with osteoarthritis he may recommend you take intense treatments for a very long time, and maybe even for life.

Many of us have suffered from a sprained ankle at some point in our lives. It's an extremely painful condition, and even though it may have a shorter recuperative period than an actual break, it will probably hurt more. Doctors have a standard prescription for a sprained ankle which they call 'RICE'. Very simply, RICE means rest, ice compression, and elevation, the three steps you need to follow in treating your sprained ankle.

There are a number of characteristics to look for that will increase the chance that you're dealing with ankle arthritis and not some other problem:

Ankle arthritis is treated depending on the symptoms that are being displayed and the stage the disease is in. Early on, standard, over-the-counter pain medications should take care of pain and swelling. As the disease advances, though, your doctor may want to treat it more aggressively. After all, there is no cure for arthritis.

After trying other treatments, some people who are suffering from chronic arthritis decide to try some form of alternative medicine. Although these herbal remedies and yoga techniques don't come with endorsements from doctors and the FDA, many patients have found them very helpful in stopping the progress of, and even causing improvement in, their arthritis symptoms.


Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Wobbly Ankles? There is Hope For Chronic Instability - Health

Constantly spraining your ankle multiple times a year? Afraid to walk on uneven surfaces because you know that will result in pain or a sprained ankle? Think you have "weak ankles"? This is all known as chronic ankle instability.

Chronic ankle instability is characterized as a recurrent sprain or weakness in the outside or lateral ankle. This is different from an isolated injury. With chronic ankle instability, patients will complain of their ankles "turning over" or "giving way" without trauma and it happens on a repeating basis. Some may turn their ankles just by walking down the hallway in their home. Other complaints heard from these patients include ankle pain, swelling and a constant feeling of pressure or discomfort in the ankle. It is important to seek treatment if you have these symptoms. If left untreated, chronic ankle instability can lead to arthritis, tendon dysfunction and significant limitation of your daily activities.

Ankle instability often develops after a significant ankle sprain that is not treated agressively, does not heal well or is not appropriately rehabilitated. With an ankle sprain, the ligaments can be stretched or torn and without proper post injury care, can result in a ligament that no longer stabilizes the ankle joint. This predisposes the ankle joint to future injury with minor trauma. People with a high-arched foot or cavus foot can also have chronic ankle instability because of the foot type they were born with.

Diagnosis of chronic ankle instability begins with a complete history of any previous injuries and symptoms of ankle instability. Xrays will also be taken to evaluate the joints and bones of the foot and ankle. MRI can be helpful to diagnose the cause of your instability.

Treatment for this condition will begin with physical therapy in attempt to strengthen the outer ligaments and ankle joint to prevent further injury. This often is combined with custom orthotics which can prevent your ankles from rolling out and reduce the pressure to your lateral ligaments. An ankle brace can help support and also prevents the ankle from rolling. If there is acute inflammation present, an anti-inflammatory drug may be prescribed as well.

For severe cases, surgery may be necessary to prevent constant injury if conservative treatments have failed. There are multiple choices of procedures to fix your instability including tendon transfers and ligament grafting. The decision is based on the severity of your condition.

If you suffer from chronic instability, help is on the way! Contact your podiatric foot and ankle surgeon today! Wobbling through the day is no way to live!


Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Aid Tips: Dealing with your Ankle Injury - Law - Personal Injury

Ankle injuries are common, and anyone may experience such injury; you just never know when. It may happen even if you are just walking at the mall, or crossing the street, and even if you are well conditioned.

Ankle injury usually involves an unexpected loss of balance that results to a twist to the ankle. Other causes of this injury are fights, physical conflict, slip and fall, uneven payment, grease or liquid in floors and low lighting. And like other personal injuries, this may also occur from someone's negligence.

Although there are cases when a person is slightly hurt, ankle injury must not be disregarded because this causes harm and may badly affect one's life.

Threats of Ankle Injury

Annually, roughly 2 million patients are treated for ankle injury such as ankle fractures, sprain, and the most common, the ankle sprain.

Ankle sprain are endured by most athletes particularly basketball players with 45% account of injuries suffered. Compared to other ankle injuries, this is more serious. This occurs when a strong connective tissue become overstretched.

Treating the injury

Treatment to ankle injuries usually involves RICE which means:

* Rest- Keep off your injured ankle as much as possible. If you need to move, you must use a crutch as support but you must not put your weight unto the injured ankle.

* Ice- This is used for swelling. Apply ice to your injured ankle for 20 minutes every hour as long as the swelling persists.

* Compression- Wrap an elastic bandage to support the injury. You can also use compression stocking or gel wrap.

* Elevation- This helps to reduce the swelling. The foot should be kept elevated during the first 48 hours.

When your ankle injury is serious, it is better to consult a doctor for physical examination, x-rays and other imaging study like bone scan, when it is needed.

Your doctor will also prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs and physical therapy that will be helpful for easier treatment of your ankle injury. Moreover, if the case is severe, and cannot be cured easily with such prescriptions, the doctor will advice you to undergo a surgery. However, this only happens rarely and only if it is very necessary.

Ankle Injury Lawyers

If you have been a victim of an accident and suffered from any ankle injury, and if it's due to someone else's negligence, you, as the aggrieved party, must consider filing a claim against such wrongful act since the law permits you to do so.

The law has set statutes that negligence and negligent people are accountable for their actions that lead to pain and suffering of other people. For this, you have the right to demand for financial damages to compensate the cost of the expenses, especially your medical treatment and rehabilitation.

In addition the negligent party must also pay your lost wages due to absences from work, and for physical, emotional and psychological suffering that may come along due to the injury.

Hence, it is a good idea that before filing your claim, you must seek an experienced ankle injury lawyer first. It is important so you will not lose your time and effort while pursuing your injury claim, specifically, while bringing your case to the insurance company of the culprit, because you might encounter delays.

Further, an ankle injury lawyer will certainly give you a better chance of reaping a good result for your claim.

If you are looking for the finest and duly qualified legal advocates, there are personal injury lawyers in Los Angeles who handle ankle injury cases.


Monday, 5 March 2012

Treat Serious Ankle Sprains with the Air-Stirrup - Health - Fitness

Ankle sprains are very common injuries, especially among athletes, but also among non-athletes. Around 25,000 people sprain their ankles every day. There are countless ways that a sprained ankle can occur. This injury can happen when you fall during a sporting activity or while running down steps, step the wrong way on your ankle, roll your ankle or jump and land in the wrong position. A sprain actually occurs when a ligament, which is the elastic structure holding the ankle together and protecting it from unusual movement, stretches too far beyond its natural limitations. Some ankle sprains are severe. These occur when the ligament overstretches and then actually tears. There are three different degrees of ankle sprain, the first being mild and easily treated with some rest, and the second two being more serious, requiring splinting and maybe even physical therapy. Rarely, a bad ankle sprain requires reconstructive surgery to repair the elastic ankle ligaments, but most s prains can be handled with splints, rest and eventual therapy. The medical community usually treats ankle sprains with air splints or air casts. The Aircast Air-Stirrup is one of the most common models used to heal sprained ankles. Severe ankle sprain recovery is made easier with the Air-Stirrup because its design allows it to be worn over socks and inside shoes, so that patients recovering from serious ankle sprains can continue their daily lives almost completely uninterrupted while still healing themselves.

Cited in over 100 medical journals, the Aircast Air-Stirrup has the perfect design to treat serious ankle sprains. This is largely because of the model's incorporation of the Duplex air cell system. This system produces support and compression while the patient is walking through the use of two over-lapping air-filled cells, providing unparalleled support on both the distal and proximal sides of the ankle, allowing the ankle injury to heal. The pressure provided by the Air-Stirrup's unique design speeds up the healing process by reducing edema, which is the swelling that accompanies ankle injuries. The semi-rigid exterior of the Air-Stirrup is ideal for protecting your recovering ankle against inversion and eversion, so that your healing process will not be stunted by unwanted twists and turns of your ankle.

The best thing about the Aircast Air-Stirrup is that it can stay with you through your entire recovery process. Whether you suffer from acute ankle instability or a Grade 3 ankle sprain, the Air-Stirrup is appropriate for all levels of ankle treatment. After the initial injury, the ankle brace can be used as a cast for simple stability while resting and icing, and gradually as you recover enough to begin putting weight on your ankle once again, the Air-Stirrup can come with you. Its design even allows for it to fit inside a shoe or sneaker, so as swelling decreases, the Air-Stirrup can still be worn while you finish your recovery. After the brace has helped with your full recovery from a serious ankle sprain, it can still come in handy if you experience any residual ankle instability or future minor sprains. It is great to have on hand for those occasional bad falls, and having it could prevent you from getting another severe sprain.


Sunday, 4 March 2012

Choosing An Atlanta Podiatrist For Your Ankle And Foot Care Needs - Health

Your feet can take quite a beating in "The Big Peach." Sultry, hot summers and high humidity can be an open invitation for painful and irritating foot problems such as plantar warts, while our citywide love of sports can lead to lots of sprained ankles and foot pain. And, while you may be tempted to simply see your local family doctor, when it comes to foot and ankle problems, an Atlanta Podiatrist is the specialist most qualified to treat common foot ailments.

Podiatrists are more than just "foot doctors" though. While they do treat common foot and ankle problems, they can also work with issues affecting the toes (such as nail fungus) and the lower legs. While feet are their specialty, they are also trained in radiology, anesthesiology and orthopedics. They also receive training in emergency care so their expertise spans a wide variety of areas beyond just feet and ankles. Many common foot, angle and toenail problems can be helped with proper podiatric care including hammertoes, ingrown toenails, bunions, corns, toenail fungus and issues with the feet due to complications of diabetes.

Sometimes, you may not even realize you have foot problems until you have your feet examined by an Atlanta Podiatrist. Foot cramps, pain while walking or standing and circulation problems or numbness in the feet can all be symptoms of a more problematic illness or condition, and should be examined by a qualified Podiatrist right away. Podiatrists can also prescribe orthotics such as ankle braces and wraps to help with sprains or injuries sustained to the feet and ankles while playing sports or exercising.

Treatments that your Podiatrist will prescribe depend on many factors including your medical history, any other prescriptions you're taking, lifestyle factors and your symptoms. Make sure to let your Podiatrist know if you are diabetic or are a smoker as these can affect the treatment regimen. Depending on the Podiatrist you choose, you may find that your Podiatrist also treats skin conditions affecting the feet (such as plantar warts) and can help you find shoe inserts or orthotics that make walking or standing more comfortable. If you work at a job where you're on your feet constantly, a good podiatry exam and recommended inserts can make life a whole lot easier!

When looking for an Atlanta Podiatrist, ask if he or she is licensed to perform invasive surgery beyond simply removing corns or bunions. If you have a torn ligament, such as with an ankle injury, your Podiatrist may be able to complete the surgery directly or they may refer you to an orthotic specialist. In the end, choosing an Atlanta Podiatrist is as personal a decision as deciding on a family doctor or other specialist - but it's crucial that your feet are placed "in good hands", so don't hesitate to ask your foot doctor any lingering questions that you may be too embarrassed or afraid to ask a general practitioner. By choosing a qualified Podiatrist, you'll be well on your way to enjoying greater comfort with every step you take.

What's My Next Step?

Click on the convenient links below to receive more information about one professional and qualified group of Atlanta Podiatrists. They have many convenient offices located throughout the Metro Atlanta, Georgia area.