Thursday 12 July 2012

Why Wait In The Clinic For hemroids Relief When You Could Prevent Them? - Health

I work in a health care clinic and it's simultaneously one of the more rewarding jobs I've ever held and the most frustrating. While we get the odd person in who's suffering from a life threatening condition, those cases are referred directly to a hospital, leaving our staff to deal with more mundane issues like hemroid treatment. It's not exactly the most glamorous place in the world, but when you see someone who's been suffering from the maddening irritation for weeks, or who was terrified their bloody stool might be a sign of cancer, seeing them benefit from hemroids relief can actually make your day.

A large part of what we do includes educating people about the potential causes of their various health issues and afflictions. Sometimes the information we distribute surprises even me, and I've seen a lot of this material. For example, until a few weeks ago, I had no idea that sitting on the toilet incorrectly could put you at a higher risk for developing hemroids. When you think about it, it makes sense, but it just never struck me as something I should be taking into account. And that's exactly the sort of feedback we receive from many of our clients. They haven't been exposed to a medical background and most of people don't have a doctor or nurse in the immediate family, so why should they? There are so many factors that affect medical conditions that seem obvious once they're pointed out, but until someone takes the time to do so, you wouldn't have a clue.

Let's go back to the hemroids example. We see people who are suffering from them and seeking hemroid treatment. If they understood the causes and risk factors for developing the condition and took preventive measures, they wouldn't be in here, all embarrassed and desperate for hemroids relief. I often suggest that they use their computer and check out a site like, since it not only contains information about what they actually are (you'd be surprised by how many people think hemroids are something you catch from a dirty toilet seat), but also lists valuable advice about common treatments (including measures you can take yourself for a mild version) and most importantly of all, changes you can make to your lifestyle to reduce the risk of ever getting them in the first place. Because if you can avoid ever getting hemroids in the first place, you don't have to worry about coming into my clinic and squirming in your seat waiting for hemroid treatment.

Lawrence Kreger works in a public health care clinic and the nature of his role means he sees patients suffering from everything from hemroids to sprained ankles. "Sitting in a waiting room with a dozen people who are all in some sort of discomfort is no fun," says Lawrence. "Instead of needing hemroid treatment, work on prevention." The clinic Lawrence works for is located at: Advanced Health Consultants, P. O. Box 530007, St. Petersburg, FL, 33747; ; Phone #: 727-328-0859.

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