Friday 25 May 2012

Top Three Reasons Why an Urgent Care Clinic Is The Choice of a New Generation - Health - Wellness

If your clinic was named the Snail's Pace Clinic would you patronize it? Of course not! Yet isn't that the type of service you receive when you sit in a hospital emergency room for hours and hours waiting patiently (and pathetically) for your name to be called? Now, let's say your clinic is named Urgent Care. Wouldn't you flock to it like a thousand ants on a discarded lollipop? Of course you would--and the choice is now yours.

Next time you have an accident or feel ill you can choose between the snail's pace of a hospital emergency room or a very fine urgent care clinic in your neighborhood. Look, there's no denying that a hospital emergency room does great work when your injury or illness is life threatening. If this is the case, they whizz you to the back and all available doctors and nurses get to work on you in a flash. If your injuries are non-life threatening, however, you will sit for hours surrounded by the maimed and the infectious and chances are you will walk out of there sicker than when you came in.

If you are not one of the lucky few who have a regular doctor, the next time you fall ill or have an accident try an urgent care clinic. You will find that you receive much, much faster service (of the same quality you would receive elsewhere), be treated with dignity and respect (not like a number), and pay an affordable price. With all the fine urgent care facilities open and opening around the country, the deck is stacked against the hospital emergency room these days.

Let's take a look at some of the medical problems that one would visit a walk in clinic for. This is a short list and is by no means the extent of what these amazing facilities do on a daily basis.

Abrasions & lacerationsCutting oneself happens quite often. Whether it is at the work place or the kitchen table, many individuals seek medical help at their urgent care clinic of choice for this type of injury. An abrasion is a superficial flesh wound. A skinned knee is a perfect example of an abrasion. No permanent damage occurs when one receives an abrasion, yet medical help is sometimes needed to clean and bandage the wound--and to guard against infection.A laceration is much more serious flesh wound and is generally deep enough to expose bacteria directly into the bloodstream. A laceration can also affect an artery or major vein and bleeding will be hard to stop. If you have received a laceration of any type please get to a walk in clinic as soon as you can.

Sprained AnkleWith over nine million sprained ankles a year in America, urgent care clinics have grown accustomed to treating them in a professional manner. A sprain occurs when your ankle ligament is stretched beyond its normal range or when it gets torn by over stretching. Either way, an affordable walk in clinic can provide the best treatment available for sprains whether it includes bracing, bandaging, icing, pain killers and/or crutches.

BurnsAlthough there are obvious degrees of burns, it is important to get to an urgent care clinic as soon as possible when you have received any type of burn. Treatment needs to occur quickly in order for your wound to heal properly. An urgent care clinic will do everything it can to minimize scarring as well as all other pertinent treatment.

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